Harry Potter fans set new Guinness World Record in Bloomsbury’s ‘Broom for One More’ Quidditch challenge 哈利波特的粉丝们在布卢姆斯伯里的“扫帚再来一次”魁地奇挑战中创造了新的吉尼斯世界纪录 张瑜璐 To celebrate the upcoming release of the illustrated edition of Quidditch Through the Ages, Bloomsbury invited fans from all over the world to board a broom online simultaneously.
为了庆祝即将出版的《魁地奇穿越时代》插图版,布卢姆斯伯里邀请世界各地的粉丝们同时在网上骑上扫帚。 So, we may not be able to actually fly, but Bloomsbury definitely made magic recently after smashing a brand-new Guinness World Record. The challenge? Ask as many people as possible, all across the globe, to get on a broom, and record the moment online in perfect unison. The result: an absolute clean sweep. 所以,我们可能不会真的飞,但布卢姆斯伯里肯定创造了奇迹,打破了一项新的吉尼斯世界纪录。这个挑战?请世界各地尽可能多的人骑上扫帚, 把这一刻完美地记录在网上。结果是:一次彻底的扫荡。
Participants from 40 countries, comprised of 133 households ended up taking part in the challenge, coming from the likes of Australia, India, Spain, Canada, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa, Oman, USA, Philippines and the UK, to name a few. And for those wondering precisely what the record is called, it’s Most People to Simultaneously Board a Broom Online. Just in case you ever fancy a go at breaking the record yourself on a rainy day. 来自40个国家的133个家庭的参与者最终参加了挑战,其中包括澳大利亚、印度、西班牙、加拿大、法国、捷克共和国、意大利、日本、香港、巴西、南非、阿曼、美国、菲律宾和英国。对于那些想知道这个记录到底叫什么名字的人来说,这是大多数人同时在网上骑上扫帚的原因。以防你想在雨天自己破纪录。 A spokesperson from Bloomsbury Publishing said of the achievement: ‘We’re thrilled that so many people took the time to take part in this successful Guinness World Records attempt. It’s wonderful that during this challenging time video sharing platforms allow fans to come together and celebrate in new and unique ways.’
布卢姆斯伯里出版社(Bloomsbury Publishing)的发言人谈到了这项成就:‘我们很高兴有这么多人花时间参加了这次成功的吉尼斯世界纪录大赛。在这个充满挑战的时期,视频分享平台让粉丝们聚在一起,以新颖独特的方式庆祝,这真是太棒了。”
Congratulations to everyone who took part!
The record attempt was put together in celebration of the upcoming Quidditch Through the Ages Illustrated Edition. This potted history of the wizarding sport, as written by J.K. Rowling back in 2001, is soon to get a brightly coloured makeover, thanks to the imaginative drawings of artist Emily Gravett. The book is released in the UK and US in hardback on 6th October by Bloomsbury Publishing, in aid of Comic Relief and Lumos. Visit the Bloomsbury website for more details. 为了庆祝即将到来的《魁地奇穿越时代》插图版,他们尝试创造了这一纪录。这本由J.K.罗琳于2001年撰写的关于魔法运动历史的书,由于艺术家艾米丽·格雷维特富有想象力的绘画,很快就会有一个色彩鲜艳的改头换面。在Comic Relief和荧光闪烁的帮助下,这本书的精装本将于10月6日在英国和美国由布鲁姆斯伯里出版社发行。访问布卢姆斯伯里网站了解更多细节。