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Harry Potter House-elf Ranking

              Author:  Grindelwald2


Harry Potter, a classic of the time, is also a magical world. There are all kinds of creatures in this world, from wizards to fire dragons to house-elves. And the strangest of them all is the house-elf. Among the house-elves were Dobby, who was different; Hokey, who was small and old; Kreacher, who was kind; and Winky, who was poor and loyal. So, what’s the ranking of House Elves? Let’s have a look together!!

  1. 闪闪 Winky


Winky used to be the Crouch family's female house elf. Her eyes were surprisingly large, her nose was very similar in shape and size to a tomato, and she spoke louder and sharper than Dobby. Loyal and fearful of freedom, she had served the Crouch family tirelessly. She was so sorry for Crouch Jr. that she persuaded Barty to take Crouch Jr. to the World Cup. But he was too afraid of heights to see Peter Crouch steal Harry’s Wand. Winky did not know, Crouch Jr. was still thinking about Voldemort. At the end of the game, Crouch Jr. launched Dark Mark into the air, and the two boys were knocked unconscious. Crouch found Winky and fired her because of his vanity. Winky was very sad, she couldn’t stop crying. She came to Hogwarts with Dobby, still thinking about Crouch and drinking and refusing to work every day. Dobby often comforted her, but unlike dobby, Dobby believed in freedom, and she was ashamed of it. She cried for a year. In early 1995, she was taken to hear Crouch Jr.'s testimony and grew sadder. Winky is loyal and wants to go back even after he’s been expelled. But she also has the characteristics of most house-elves—fear of freedom, dedicated to the task. There is no description of Winky’s power in the book, but he is at the bottom of the list because she cries, drinks heavily every day and doesn't seem to have much power.

  1. 赫琪 Hokey



Hokey is a female house-elf who works for Hepzibah Smith. She is very small and old, and we can see that she has served the family for a long time. And she was so sweet to her master that she clapped her hands +to him, who was not beautiful at all; She was so small that when she held a thing, you could just see the object moving and could not see her. Voldemort, as a teenager, murdered Hepzibah Smith and altered her memory in order to obtain Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup. He made her think she had poisoned her master, so she was sent to Azkaban and died there. Hepzibah Smith is a direct descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, and their family has never went down like the Gunter family (but the direct descendant of Hufflepuff died out after Hepzibah Smith’s death). So, if Hokey can serve such a family, she must be good. But Hepzibah Smith was the last generation, there was somewhat decline even less than the Gunter’s. And Hokey is thin and old to have much magic, so she is in third place.

  1. 克利切 Kreacher


Kreacher is a house-elf of the House of Black. He had seen Voldemort hide the locket in the cave and was the only person who knew that Regulus had stolen it. The Kreacher family have served the arrogant Blacks. After the hostess's death, Kreacher stayed alone at NO.12 Grimmauld Place for 10 years, until it become the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. When Sirius came back, Kreacher hated Sirius, but because of his elf status, he had to obey Sirius. Sirius did not like him at all. Because of this, Sirius asked Kreacher to "Go Out !"So Kreacher conspired with Bella to lure Harry into Department of Mysteries, leading to the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and the death of Sirius. After Sirius died, Kreacher was sent into Hogwarts by Harry. In 1997, when‘the triangle’returned to No.12 Grimmauld Place, Harry returned the Regulus locket to Kreacher, which influenced Kreacher. He would not only make better meals, do whatever Harry wanted, but also become very just. In the Battle of Hogwarts, he rushed at the front with the locket dangling from his chest against Voldemort. Kreacher is the representative of the common house-elves. He serves a family all his life, is very loyal to his master and conscientious in accomplishing his task, ashamed of his freedom. Before 1997, Kreacher was very annoying and even indirectly killed Sirius. But in 1997, we found that there was a good side in him. After Harry gave him the locket, he stopped hating Harry. Harry was no longer the annoying boy he thought he was, but his new master. He was "powerful ", and in the Battle of Hogwarts, they cut the legs of the Death Eaters with knives, leaving them helpless. Kreacher actually betrayed the family he was serving. The Blacks support the Death Eaters’s claim that "Pure blood comes first ," which means they support Voldemort. Kreacher attacked the Death Eaters and fought Voldemort. If his mistress had seen this, she would have been furious and hated him as she was with Sirius. Harry

influenced Kreacher with action so that the "annoying" house elf changed, revealing his good side.

  1. 多比 Dobby


Dobby was the elf of the Malfoy family. There he was abused and tried to escape, but was forced to obey Malfoy because of being a house-elf. In 1993, Harry helped Dobby cheat Lucius out of a sock. From then on, Dobby was free and therefore kind to Harry and often helped him. Since his freedom, Dobby has looked  everywhere for a job, but was repeatedly rejected for asking for salary. In 1996, Harry sent Dobby to watch Malfoy. Dobby hadn't slept for a week, watched day and night, and found out that Malfoy had entered Room of Requirement. From this we can see that Dobby was obedient to Harry’s demands. Dobby is different from other house-elves. He likes freedom very much, so he is isolated from other house-elves. Dobby did not follow the master blindly. He knows the difference between good and evil, and his own sense of right and wrong. He could tell that Harry was good, so he liked freedom but listened to Harry; he could tell that Malfoy was evil, so he tried to obey his master's orders while resisting. Because of this, Dobby, unlike other house-elves, does not attack the master. Dobby was free, so he attacked Lucius and made him helpless; he broke Narcissa's wand and made her furious. But Dobby is not afraid, he would always be the free house elf. But to everyone's sorrow, at Malfoy Manor, Dobby died under Bellatrix's flying knife to save Harry. Not only does this make us hate Berra more, but it also makes us love this cute, free spirited house elf more. Dobby is also one of Harry Potter’s ten most popular characters. He is undoubtedly the strongest of the four house elves, not only because he is free, independent and unique, but also because he can cast and dare to cast magic, so he ranked first.



So much for the house-elf ranking. Doesn’t everyone just want more? There are only four house-elves in the Harry Potter series, but it will be interesting to explore their strengths! I am still a primary school student, there may be some errors in this article. Feel free to leave a comment in the comments area!

See you next time!
