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大家好我是Ginevra Evans,本文的作者(快夸我)。这是我第一次写文章并投稿,本文纯属脑洞,有些地方借鉴了奔跑吧霍格沃茨,有兴趣的可以去看看。文章时间设置于赫敏重读七年级时,小学生文笔渣,侵删致歉,大家不喜勿喷,欢迎各位哈迷在评论区提出建议哦。





金妮(我):Hi Miss Granger, I'm Ginevra Evans, may I have a short interview with you?



赫敏(看书中,突然惊醒):What? Sorry, didn't catch that, do please repeat it. 




金妮(我)(满脸黑线): I said that I am Ginny Evans and would like to interview you!!!



赫敏: Oh, of course! It is a great pleasure to meet you, Ginny, and you can just call me Hermione. 



赫敏内心OS: Omg somebody wants to interview me am I so famous oh wait I think I am……



金妮(我)(假装没看到):Well then, as I completely trust your honesty, I am not going to use Veritaserum on you. So, let us begin! First, do you like Hogwarts? Why? 




赫敏:Of course I do, I love it! My favorite parts when I am in school are the time I spend in the library or with my friends, Harry and Ron. Oh yeah, the subjects are really interesting as well, they are much more exciting than Muggle subjects! My favorite by far is arithmancy. It is so wonderful!



金妮(我)(小声嘀咕):I think your favorite part are the lessons……



赫敏•怒火冲天•格兰杰:What did you said?



金妮(我)(赶紧转移话题):Nothing, nothing…… Now,the second question: What do you think about Harry and Ron? 



赫敏:Well, they are both very kind, and though they are terrible at recognizing other's emotions, they are really great. Harry is really responsible and brave, while Ron…errr…is humorous and caring sometimes. And he can think of brilliant ideas when he wants to. 




金妮(我):Do you think they have any not-so-perfect personalities other than the one you mentioned just now? 



赫敏:Harry is rather hot-tempered, a bit like you, actually(me: say that again), while Ron has a great amount of jealousy, although it's not completely his fault, having five brothers……




金妮(我):Alright, the next question: Why did you choose Ron as your boyfriend instead of Harry? 



赫敏•羞涩•格兰杰:How can you ask such questions!? Ok, I didn't know why in the name of Merlin's pants did I make such a decision, but I don't regret it in the slightest. 




金妮芙拉•罗赫党•开森•伊万丝(我):OK~Now, the next one: What is the saddest moment in your life? 



赫敏:Erm, there are twice, once when Ron walked out on us last year,once when I thought Harry was dead. 




(满血的)金妮(我):What about the happiest moment in your life?





金妮(我):Can you share your school life with us? 



赫敏:Oh, it's not much, just classes and stuff like helping(the true)Ginny and Luna with their homework and preparing for NEWT. 



金妮(我):Ok.Now, the last question: What do you think about your friends' job choices? 



赫敏:I believe that my decision to stay in school is right. After all, I wish to become Minister of Magic in future. I think Harry's choice is correct as he is that kind of person,but I don't think Ron will be serious enough to auror forever. He will be much better off at Wesley's Wizard Wheezes!



金妮(我)(看表):OK, that's all. It is quite late already, I will leave you to revise your NEWTs. 



赫敏(也看表):Oh my it's five already and I still haven't finish this book! I need to get a move on with my revising. Bye Ginny! 



金妮(我):See you Hermione!








