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Wizarding World kisses: how does your favourite rank on our Kiss-O-Meter?
As well as a Valentine’s video of film kisses, we wanted to celebrate the book smooches too!
      We hope you enjoyed our Kiss-O-Meter video, rating some of the most memorable kisses in the Harry Potter films.But there are plenty of kisses in the books too... Here are our favourite Harry Potter book snogs.
Harry Potter & Cho Chang: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The moment:
Well?’ Ron said finally, looking up at Harry. ‘How was it?’ Harry considered for a moment.
‘Wet,’ he said truthfully.
Ron made a noise that might have indicated jubilation or disgust, it was hard to tell.
‘Because she was crying,’ Harry continued heavily.
‘Oh,’ said Ron, his smile fading slightly. ‘Are you that bad at kissing?’
‘Dunno,’ said Harry, who hadn’t considered this, and immediately felt rather worried. 'Maybe I am.’
The verdict: This was Harry’s first-ever kiss and it must have been pretty confusing. Poor Cho was still really upset about Cedric’s death the previous year, and then of course there were those Nargles in the mistletoe. All things considered it was pretty awkward.
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
damp squib

Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The moment:
‘Hang on a moment!’ said Ron sharply. ‘We’ve forgotten someone!’
‘Who?’ asked Hermione. ‘The house-elves, they’ll all be down in the kitchen, won’t they?’
‘You mean we ought to get them fighting?’ asked Harry.
‘No,’ said Ron seriously, ‘I mean we should tell them to get out. We don’t want any more Dobbys, do we? We can’t order them to die for us –’
There was a clatter as the Basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet'.
The verdict: We absolutely love that it was house-elf rights that finally got these two to take the leap. What with the Basilisk fangs in Hermione’s arms and the impending Battle of Hogwarts, we’re not entirely sure it was the most romantic of settings. But it didn’t seem to matter to them, although Harry did mention it:
‘Is this the moment?’ Harry asked weakly, and when nothing happened except that Ron and Hermione gripped each other still more firmly and swayed on the spot, he raised his voice. ‘OI! There’s a war going on here!’
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
snogwarts prefect

Ron Weasley & Lavender Brown: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The moment:

There, in full view of the whole room, stood Ron wrapped so closely around Lavender Brown it was hard to tell whose hands were whose.
‘It looks like he’s eating her face, doesn’t it?’ said Ginny dispassionately. ‘But I suppose he’s got to refine his technique somehow. Good game, Harry.’
The verdict: We’ve chosen Ron and Lavender’s first kiss for our Kiss-O-Meter, but this was by no means the last. Poor Harry had to put up with their persistent snogging. We were told that Lavender ‘seemed to regard any moment that she was not kissing Ron as a moment wasted’ – well, she certainly gets ten out of ten for effort. Although this particular kiss did break Hermione’s heart so that may affect our Kiss-O-Meter…
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
absolutely enchanting

Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The moment:
Harry looked around; there was Ginny running towards him; she had a hard, blazing look in her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without planning it, without worrying about the fact that fifty people were watching, Harry kissed her.
After several long moments – or it might have been half an hour – or possibly several sunlit days – they broke apart.
The verdict: We love how Harry seemed at this moment. Harry, who’d been plagued with the mystery of Malfoy, learning the true horror of Horcruxes with Dumbledore and following Riddle’s past for most of Half-Blood Prince, finally gets to experience something wonderful. And don’t even get us started on Ginny’s blazing look, fresh from her Quidditch glory and determined to get what she wants.
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
snogwarts prefect

Percy Weasley & Penelope Clearwater: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The moment:
‘Oh, that,’ said Ginny, giggling. ‘Well – Percy’s got a girlfriend.’
Fred dropped a stack of books on George’s head.
‘It’s that Ravenclaw Prefect, Penelope Clearwater,’ said Ginny. ‘That’s who he was writing to all last summer. He’s been meeting her all over the school in secret. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day.’ 
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The verdict: We never actually got to see Percy and Penelope having any romantic moments together, but we absolutely had to include the hilarious moment Ginny revealed their shenanigans. Percy Weasley sneaking around meeting with a girl – what a dark horse!
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
absolutely enchanting

Dean & Ginny: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The moment:
When Harry pushed open the tapestry to take their usual short cut up to Gryffindor Tower, however, they found themselves looking at Dean and Ginny, who were locked in a close embrace and kissing fiercely as if glued together.
It was as though something large and scaly erupted into life in Harry’s stomach, clawing at his insides: hot blood seemed to flood his brain, so that all thought was extinguished, replaced by a savage urge to jinx Dean into a jelly. 
The verdict: Many of us have been in Harry’s position and seen someone we like kissing someone else. Though our reaction might not have been as strong as Harry’s. We included this kiss because it was clearly quite something – to make Harry want to jinx one of his supposed friends into a jelly!
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
absolutely enchanting

Harry & Ginny: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The moment:
‘I’d like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some Veela when you’re off doing whatever you’re doing.’
‘I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest.’
‘There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for,’ she whispered, and then she was kissing him as she had never kissed him before, and Harry was kissing her back, and it was blissful oblivion, better than Firewhisky; she was the only real thing in the world, Ginny, the feel of her, one hand at her back and one in her long, sweet-smelling hair 
The verdict: Okay, okay we know we’ve already got a Ginny and Harry kiss in this article, but we couldn’t resist this one! We love that Ginny gave him a kiss rather than a birthday present, although you’d think she might have been able to stretch to a Chocolate Frog as well. Turns out there’s nothing like a kiss intended to ward off Veela…
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
snogwarts prefect


Fang & just about anyone he meets: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
The moment:
‘He let them in, struggling to keep a hold on the collar of an enormous black boarhound.
There was only one room inside. Hams and pheasants were hanging from the ceiling, a copper kettle was boiling on the open fire and in a corner stood a massive bed with a patchwork quilt over it.
‘Make yerselves at home,’ said Hagrid, letting go of Fang, who bounded straight at Ron and started licking his ears. Like Hagrid, Fang was clearly not as fierce as he looked. 
The verdict: Although Fang licking your ears might drench you in dog slobber, we reckon you’d still feel pretty loved by his canine kisses. It seemed like Fang wasn’t fussy but Umbridge didn’t get the same treatment Harry, Ron and Hermione did. Dogs are much cleverer than they look. Just saying.
Our Kiss-O-Meter says:
puppy love
