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Could Harry and Draco ever have been friends?




In today’s Wizarding World debate, we’re pondering if, in another life, Harry Potter and his nemesis Draco Malfoy could have ever been friends. Two writers discuss the cases for and against.

在今天关于巫师世界的讨论辩论中,我们在思考,在另一个世界,哈利波特和他的死对头德拉科 · 马尔福能否成为朋友。两位作家讨论了支持和反对的意见。

Spoiler warning: This article contains info on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

剧透警告: 这篇文章包含了关于《哈利波特:被诅咒的孩子》中的情节。


Maybe they could have been friends



Yes, Draco Malfoy was abhorrent at Hogwarts. Yes, he was cocky. Yes, he was awful to Harry, got mixed up in a very dark crowd, and was generally just, as Ron would call him, a git. All of these things are very fair to say.

是的,德拉科 · 马尔福在霍格沃茨是令人憎恶的。是的,他很自大。是的,他对哈利很糟糕,而且混在一群非常黑暗的人中,而且,用罗恩的话来说,他通常就是一个饭桶。所有这些说法都很公平。

However, was all of this behaviour down to influences in Draco’s life? If he’d made better choices, made better friends, could things have been different for him? Could he then have been friends with someone like Harry, if he had the capability of being a better person? If his parents had been kinder, maybe he would’ve been kinder? And maybe then, when he met Harry in Madam Malkin’s shop in Diagon Alley for the first time, would he have seemed more attractive to Harry as a companion?


The signs were there that this could have been. Very much a product of his parents’ making, (just look at how frequently Draco brought up his father...) Draco strutted around Hogwarts with his cronies boasting about how great it was being rich, being in Slytherin, and being pure-blood. But these are all things he was taught to be proud of. Draco’s ideologies were very much passed on by mum and dad, Lucius and Narcissa, who, in turn, absorbed these ideologies from their own families: the Malfoys and the Blacks respectively.

有迹象表明,这种情况本可能发生。德拉科在霍格沃茨大摇大摆地走来走去,跟他的亲信吹嘘说:有钱、身在 Slytherin、血统纯正是多么了不起。但是这些都是他所学到的值得骄傲的东西。德拉科的意识形态在很大程度上是由他的父母卢修斯和纳西莎传承下来的,而这两个人又分别从他们自己的家庭中吸收了这些意识形态:马尔福家族和布莱克家族。

Both families dabbled in Dark magic and the idea that to be a Muggle, or have non-magical blood, or to be ‘half’ in some way, was wrong. It is no surprise that a lot of family members on both sides were connected to Lord Voldemort. Arguably, Draco was simply too enveloped in this world to think any differently, and within this general mindset, came a lot of cruelty, anger and coldness – which all began to shape his personality.


But what does all of this have to do with being friends with Harry? Well, it was Draco’s general demeanour that repelled Harry in the first place. And there are examples of wizards who came from Dark wizarding families who did choose different company to become better people. Sirius Black is probably the best example of this – running away from his pure-blood loving family that he didn't agree with to find kinder company. Sirius’s bravery led him to the Hogwarts house Gryffindor (the rest of his family were usually Slytherins) and there he found his like-minded friends, James Potter and Remus Lupin. So Sirius broke the cycle of the rest of his family, and spent the rest of his life fighting against the darker side of the Wizarding World, rather than joining it.

但是这一切和哈里的朋友关系有什么关系呢?哈利一开始就被德拉科的举止所排斥。还有一些来自黑暗巫师家族的巫师为了成为更好的人选择了不同的公司。小天狼星布莱克可能是最好的例子-逃离他的纯血统的爱家庭,他不同意寻找更友好的公司。小天狼星的勇敢把他带到了霍格沃茨的格兰芬多学院(他的家人通常都是斯莱特林) ,在那里他找到了志同道合的朋友,詹姆斯 · 波特和莱姆斯 · 卢平。所以小天狼星打破了他家人的恶性循环,用他的余生与巫师世界的黑暗面作斗争,而不是加入它。

Draco could've chosen different friends and a different attitude at Hogwarts, just like Sirius, but Draco was always dogged by fear and insecurity. In later books, we began to learn that Draco was terrified of his Death Eater father’s way of life, despite often bragging about it. Due to Draco’s bravado, which he used as a self-defence mechanism, Harry chose not to be friends with the rude boy he met in Madam Malkin’s, who instantly displayed prejudice towards his half-giant friend Hagrid (something his parents would’ve taught him to feel) and generally exuded bad faith. Even the name ‘Malfoy’ roughly translates to ‘bad faith’ in French!

德拉科本可以在霍格沃茨选择不同的朋友和不同的态度,就像小天狼星一样,但是德拉科总是被恐惧和不安全感所困扰。在后来的书中,我们开始了解到德拉科害怕他的食死徒父亲的生活方式,尽管他经常吹嘘。由于德拉科的虚张声势,他把这当作自卫机制,哈利决定不和他在马尔金夫人那里遇到的那个粗鲁的男孩交朋友,那个男孩立刻对他的半巨人朋友海格表现出偏见(这是他的父母应该教他的) ,而且通常散发出不诚实的气息。甚至“马尔福”这个名字在法语里也可以粗略地翻译成“不守信用” !

But it all could have been different. In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a more wholesome Draco emerged. In a post-Voldemort atmosphere, no longer surrounded by the toxicity of his parents, Draco was making better choices, such as marrying someone who did not carry the ideals of his own family. And then there was his son Scorpius, who was naturally compassionate. This surely shows that Draco, like his son, had the potential to be ‘good’, if only he had grown up without such terrible influences. Maybe a more secure Draco would’ve been a little nicer in Madam Malkin’s, and maybe a braver Draco could’ve rejected his family’s ideals, like Sirius did. If he'd been encouraged to be more open-minded, maybe he would've met people who challenged his viewpoints, rather than Crabbe and Goyle, who simply always agreed with him.

但这一切本可以完全不同。在20世纪90年代哈利波特:被诅咒的孩子,一个更加健康的天龙出现了。在后伏地魔时代的氛围中,德拉科不再被他父母的毒性所包围,他做出了更好的选择,比如和一个没有自己家庭理想的人结婚。还有他的儿子 Scorpius,天生富有同情心。这无疑表明,德拉科和他的儿子一样,有潜力成为“好人” ,只要他在成长过程中没有这种可怕的影响。也许一个更安全的德拉科在马尔金夫人那里会更好一些,也许一个更勇敢的德拉科会像小天狼星那样拒绝他家族的理想。如果他被鼓励变得更加开放,也许他会遇到那些质疑他观点的人,而不是总是赞同他观点的克拉布和高尔。

Only a very different Draco could’ve been friends with Harry. But it could have been different.



No, they could never have been friends


‘You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.’ He held out his hand to shake Harry’s, but Harry didn’t take it.’Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


The truth is, Harry was never going to take Draco’s hand on the Hogwarts Express, whether Harry had met Ron Weasley or not. Harry had already got the measure of Draco Malfoy back in Diagon Alley, when Draco had been quick to dismiss Hagrid as a ‘sort of savage’. Hagrid was the first person Harry could really remember being kind to him at all, so that was never going to go down in Draco’s favour when it came to friendship. But there was something else about Malfoy – first in Madam Malkin’s and then later, on the Hogwarts Express, that we argue meant that Harry would never have considered being his friend – Draco liked to make people feel like outsiders.

事实是,无论哈利是否遇到罗恩 · 韦斯莱,他都不会把德拉科拉上霍格沃茨特快列车。哈利已经在 Diagon Alley 找到了德拉科 · 马尔福,当时德拉科很快就把海格斥为“某种野蛮人”。哈格力是哈利记忆中第一个对他非常友好的人,所以当谈到友谊的时候,他永远不会对德拉科有好感。但是马尔福还有其他的一些事情——先是在马尔金夫人的电影里,后来在霍格沃茨特快上,我们认为哈利从来没有想过要成为他的朋友——德拉科喜欢让人觉得自己是个局外人。

During his long years with the Dursleys, Harry had been made to feel like the outsider, the poor relation, every single day he spent in the cupboard, rather than a real bedroom. For so many years, Harry had been the ‘wrong sort’ to the Dursleys, who liked to remind him of it at every opportunity. He knew what it was like to be the person other children were nasty about at school, the way Draco gossiped spitefully about Hagrid in Madam Malkin’s. And he also knew what it was like to be constantly told that some people were better than others. The Dursleys constantly compared him to Dudley and told Harry that his cousin was every bit his superior. Harry was never going to take kindly to someone warning him not to make friends, ‘with the wrong sort’ because that kind of attitude had meant that he – Harry – had been friendless and miserable in his school and home life for as long as he could remember.

在德思礼家的漫长岁月里,哈利觉得自己是个局外人,是个穷亲戚,每天都待在壁橱里,而不是真正的卧室。这么多年来,哈利一直是德思礼一家眼中的“坏人” ,他们总是抓住每一个机会提醒他。他知道别的孩子在学校里讨厌的那个人是什么样子,德拉科在马尔金夫人家里恶毒地说海格的坏话。他也知道不断被告知某些人比其他人优秀是什么感觉。德思礼一家不断地把他比作达德利,并告诉哈利,他的表弟完全是他的上司。哈利永远不会善待那些警告他不要和“坏人”交朋友的人,因为那种态度意味着他——哈利——自他记事以来,在学校和家庭生活中一直没有朋友,过得很痛苦。

Draco Malfoy, though he initially offered his hand to Harry, would arguably have been unable to tolerate a friendship with the Boy Who Lived too. It was Draco’s mission in life to tell people how superior he was to them, but that might have become a little tricky if he was best mates with one of the most famous wizards of all time – something even the infinitely humbler, Ron, struggled with. From boasting about his father’s influence at the Ministry to sucking up to Umbridge and becoming a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, Draco tirelessly fought to make himself stand out from his peers. But this was something that Harry had never had to work at – the scar on his forehead marking him out as special from the start. We argue this would have been extremely difficult for Draco to maintain a proper friendship with famous Harry Potter – his ego just couldn’t have coped with it.

德拉科 · 马尔福虽然最初向哈利伸出了手,但可以说他无法容忍与这个活着的男孩建立友谊。德拉科一生的使命就是告诉人们他比他们更优秀,但是如果他是有史以来最著名的巫师之一的最好的朋友——即使是最谦逊的罗恩也难以做到这一点。从吹嘘他父亲在魔法部的影响力到吸引乌姆里奇成为调查行动小组的一员,德拉科不知疲倦地努力使自己脱颖而出。但是这是哈利从来没有做过的事情——他额头上的伤疤从一开始就让他显得特别。我们认为,德拉科要与著名的哈利 · 波特保持适当的友谊是极其困难的——他的自负无法应付这种情况。

Given this intrinsic need to distinguish himself from others, it is no wonder really, that Draco would get sucked into Lord Voldemort’s rhetoric of pure-bloods and power; it fed directly into Draco’s need to feel superior. Harry, on the other hand, was never going to befriend a boy who made others feel small or inferior.


Draco and Harry might have had a shared love for Quidditch, both playing Seeker on their house teams. And indeed, they had a shared experience of being raised by a bully – Lucius for Draco, and the Dursleys for Harry.


But that was never going to be enough to mean these two would ever be friends.

