10 Of The Best Outfits From Harry Potter 《哈利·波特》中最出色的10套服装 kako桑 The characters in the Harry Potter universe had many fantastic outfits throughout the series. Here are the 10 best, including the top gowns and robes. 哈利波特世界里的人物在整个系列中都有许多很棒的服装。以下是10件最好的礼服,包括顶级的礼服和长袍。 The Harry Potter film series is full of friendship, battles of good versus evil and magic, and whether the characters are attending classes, flying on broomsticks, learning life lessons or drinking butterbeer in Hogsmeade, they show off some very memorable and fashionable outfits. 《哈利·波特》系列电影充满了友谊、善恶和魔法的战斗,无论是上课、骑扫帚、学习生活课程还是在霍格莫德村喝黄油啤酒,他们都展示了一些非常令人难忘而且时尚的服装。 In the eight different installments of this franchise, there are dresses worn to fancy parties, robes that are worn around Hogwarts and luxurious layers that provide warmth, act as a sort of armor, or simply look stylish. Here are just a few of the outfits from the franchise to think back on and enjoy. 在《哈利·波特》系列的8部电影中,有出席奢华派对时穿的礼服,有霍格沃茨校园里穿的长袍,有保暖的、像盔甲一样的奢华层,也有看起来很时尚的。以下是一些可以让你回味和欣赏的系列服装。 10 Hermione’s Yule Ball Gown 赫敏的圣诞舞会礼服 For many, when they think of the best looks from the Harry Potter movies, they think of the pink dress Hermione Granger wore to the Yule Ball. This is a special occasion that pops up during the Triwizard Tournament, and it allows students and professors to get all dolled up to enjoy a night of dancing, eating and togetherness. 对很多人来说,当他们想到《哈利·波特》电影中最美的形象时,他们会想到赫敏·格兰杰在圣诞舞会上穿的粉色礼服。这是三强争霸赛期间出现的一个特殊场合,学生和教授们可以盛装打扮,享受一个跳舞、吃饭和欢聚的夜晚。 Hermione is usually seen in her robes or more casual outfits, so it was so nice to see her in an elegant look. Plus, this one was super flattering on her, with its airy material, low neckline, fun ruffles and bright color. 赫敏通常穿着长袍或更休闲的服装,所以看到她优雅的样子真是太棒了。另外,这条裙子非常适合她,轻盈的面料,低领口,有趣的褶边和明亮的颜色。 9 Bellatrix’s Black Ensemble 贝拉特里克斯的黑色套装 Many film antagonists wear black, and Bellatrix Lestrange is usually seen donning this color from head to toe. Her wardrobe is full of leather, lace and layers, which give her a true witchy vibe. 许多电影中的对手都穿黑色,贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇经常从头到脚都穿黑色。她的衣橱里充满了皮革、蕾丝和层次感,这给了她一种真正女巫的感觉。 She always completes her looks by piling her long, dark hair atop her head, and this adds to the chic spookiness of it all. 她总是把她又长又黑的头发顶在头上,这给她的装扮增添了一种别致的诡异感。 8 Lockhart’s Gold Layers 洛克哈特的黄金层 Gilderoy Lockhart is one of several characters who taught Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and he is also a celebrity, as he writes popular books on magical topics. He is very into himself, and he certainly dresses the part. 吉德罗洛哈特是霍格沃茨教授黑魔法防御术的几个人物之一,他也是一个名人,因为他写了很多关于魔法主题的畅销书。他很喜欢自己,而且他打扮得很像那个角色。 7 Rita Skeeter’s Green Look 丽塔·斯基特的绿色衣服 Rita Skeeter is a prying journalist, as well as one of the best-dressed characters in the franchise. Her most iconic outfit is this green silk piece that fits her like a glove. It has fur trim at the collar and cuffs, adding even more glam to it. 丽塔·斯基特是一个爱刺探的记者,也是这个系列中穿着最好看的角色之一了。她最具标志性的服装是这件绿色丝质衣服,非常合身。它的衣领和袖口有毛皮装饰,增加了更多的魅力。 Rita may not be the nicest, but she is someone in the magic community that always appeared polished and pretty. 丽塔可能并不是最完美的,但是她在魔法界总是显得那么优美丽优雅。 6 Kingsley’s Colorful Robes 金斯利的彩色长袍 Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt is part of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix, and he also belongs on this list. With so many movies and characters, a lot of robes have been seen, but Kingsley’s stand out amongst the rest. 金斯莱·沙克尔部长是魔法部和凤凰社的一员,他也在这个名单上。有这么多电影和角色,人们看到了很多长袍,但金斯莱的长袍却是脱颖而出的。 They are made up of blues, purples and gray, with a crown-like hat that acts as a cherry on the top of a very cool ensemble. 它们由蓝色、紫色和灰色组成,再配上一顶像樱桃一样的皇冠帽子,组成一套非常酷的套装。 5 Luna’s Christmas Look 卢娜的圣诞衣服 The most eccentric Harry Potter character is Luna Lovegood, who has worn one-of-a-kind pink glasses and a lion hat. Her most glam moment, though, took place during Professor Horace Slughorn’s Christmas party. 哈利波特中最古怪的角色就是卢娜·洛夫古德了,她戴着独一无二的粉色眼镜和狮子帽。不过,她最迷人的时刻是在霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩教授的圣诞晚会上。 This was another excuse for everyone to get more dressed up than usual, and Luna delivered and then some. The tiers and volume and metallics of this dress made her look like a literal angel. 这是大家穿得比平时更盛重的另一个借口,卢娜还送了一些。这条裙子的层次感、体积和金属质感让她看起来就像一个真正的天使。 4 Fleur’s Wedding Dress 芙蓉的婚纱 Wedding dresses are almost always on best-dressed lists, as they are carefully picked out to wear on the happiest days of people’s lives. When Fleur Delacour tied the knot with Bill Weasley, she opted for a white dress with a twist. 婚纱几乎总是在最佳着装名单上,因为它们是精心挑选出来的,在人们生活中最幸福的日子穿。当芙蓉·德拉库尔和比尔·韦斯莱结婚时,她选择了一件带褶皱的白色礼服。 There are layers of organza featured here, and phoenixes that form a heart on the bodice. Additionally, Fleur wore a black headpiece on her special day, completing this dramatic and gorgeous outfit. 这里有层层叠叠的欧根纱,以及在紧身胸衣上形成心形的凤凰。此外,弗勒在这个特殊的日子里还戴了一顶黑色的头饰,成了为这一戏剧性的华丽装扮锦上添花的人。 3. McGonagall’s Battle Robe 麦格的战斗长袍 Minerva McGonagall is often found in black and dark green garments and wearing a pointed black hat. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she looked extra imposing,though. 米勒娃·麦格经常穿着黑色和深绿色的衣服,戴着一顶黑色尖顶帽子。不过,在霍格沃茨战役期间,她看上去格外威严。 This was a stressful and sad moment, but everyone pulled together and fought harder than ever before. And while McGonagall was leading and guiding, she wore a black outfit with a high collar, buttons and pronounced sleeves that made her look very powerful. 这是一个充满压力和悲伤的时刻,但每个人都齐心协力,比以往任何时候都更努力地战斗。当麦格教授在前面领路的时候,她穿了一件高领的黑色外套,纽扣和显眼的袖子让她看起来很强势。 2 Sirius’ Olive Stripes 天狼星的橄榄条纹 Up next on the list is Sirius Black in this particular look. Many of the most stylish outfits from these flicks are made up of lush layers and textures that add dimension and a grandiose vibe, and this example is no exception. 在名单上的下一个是有着特殊的长相的天狼星布莱克。这些电影中许多最时髦的服装都是由丰富的层次和纹理组成的,增加了立体感和浮华的氛围,天狼星的这个例子也不例外。 Sirius’ attire is made up of dark olives and browns, with varying materials and designs. The pinstripes on the long outer coat, the velvet, the metal detailing - it's all so good. 天狼星的衣服是由黑橄榄和棕色组成的,有不同的材料和设计。长外套上的细条纹,天鹅绒,金属细节——一切都很好。 1 Parvati & Padma’s Ball Gowns 帕瓦蒂和帕德玛的圣诞舞会礼服 Last but not least are Padma and Parvati Patil’s Yule Ball "lehenga choli" gowns. Hermione’s gown always gets a lot of attention, which is deserved, but these more minor characters also looked beautiful during the event. 最后但并非最不重要的是帕瓦蒂和帕德玛的圣诞舞会“短袖小衫”礼服。赫敏的礼服总是受到很多关注,这是理所应当的,但是这些次要角色在活动中看起来也很漂亮。 The vivid colors, the embroidered accents and the gold jewelry all came together for two looks that deserve more recognition and made these sisters look even more regal than usual. 鲜艳的色彩,刺绣的口音和黄金珠宝,这两种造型搭配在一起,值得更多的认可,让这对姐妹看起来比平常更高贵。