Learn how to make your very own broomstick charm 了解如何使自己的扫帚魅力

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Learn how to make your very own broomstick charm 了解如何使自己的扫帚魅力 翻译者:张瑜璐

All together now... UP! Calling all Quidditch fans – discover how to make a mini broomstick charm with this high-flying video 现在在一起...起来! 召集所有魁地奇粉丝–探索如何通过此高画质视频制作迷你扫帚魅力

Ever wanted your very own Nimbus Two Thousand? Watch this video and learn how to make a mini broomstick charm. Madam Hooch would be proud! 有没有想过要你自己的光环两千?看这个视频,学习如何制作一个迷你扫帚魅力。霍奇夫人会很自豪的!

And if you're a fan of Quidditch, why not take our First Year Quidditch Quiz? 如果你是魁地奇的粉丝,为什么不参加我们第一年的魁地奇测试?

You can find more of our arts and crafts videos on the Crafting Magic page , as well as on ourWizarding World Youtube channel. 您可以在“手工艺魔法”页面以及“魔法世界”Youtube频道上找到更多我们的艺术和工艺品视频。
