Which Hogwarts Professor Are You, Based On Your Zodiac 根据你的星座,你是哪位霍格沃茨教授

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Which Hogwarts Professor Are You, Based On Your Zodiac 根据你的星座,你是哪位霍格沃茨教授 kako桑 From Dumbledore to Professor Sprout, which zodiac signs do the Hogwarts professors match in Harry Potter? 从邓布利多到斯普劳特教授,霍格沃茨教授在《哈利·波特》中属于哪个星座? Thanks to J K Rowling, Pottermore, and a wealth of world-building information, Harry Potter fans can now know what their favorite professor's zodiac signs actually are - but what about the signs that they are most like? Based on the classic star sign traits and the personalities of the Hogwarts professors, we're matching things up to see what you would be if you lived in this magical wizarding world. 多亏了J·K·罗琳推出的神秘网站以及丰富的构建世界的信息,哈利·波特的粉丝们现在可以知道他们最喜欢的教授的星座是什么了——但是这些星座最像什么呢?基于经典的星座特征和霍格沃茨教授的个性,我们正在配对,看看如果你生活在这个魔法世界,你会成为什么样的人。 12 Aries - Dumbledore This one may come as a surprise, but Albus Dumbledore is actually most like an Aries. He's brilliant, charismatic, and incredibly capable - but he's also independent, refusing to let other people in on his plans (even when that plan might be deadly), and he's often convinced that he knows better than everyone else. His younger days and everything that happened with Grindelwald and his sister show that Dumbledore also has another Aries trait - impatience, and too much of a risk-taker. 12 白羊座——邓布利多 可能看到这儿你们会觉得惊讶,但阿不思·邓布利的确是最像白羊座的。他才华横溢、能力非凡,有魅力——也很独立,因为他绝不会让其他人参与自己的计划中(即使那个计划可能是致命的),而且他总觉得自己比别人知道得更多。他年轻的时候在格林德沃和他妹妹身上发生的一些事能看出邓布利多白羊座的另一个特点——急躁,太爱冒险。 11 Taurus - Pomona Sprout Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher and Head of House for Hufflepuff, is a clear Taurus. She's grounded - not just in terms of her personality, but quite literally, thanks to her work with plants and herbs. She is patient and reliable, and like most Hufflepuffs, she's also generous and warm-hearted... just like the Bull of the Zodiac. 11 金牛座——斯普劳特 草药课老师,赫奇帕奇学院院长斯普劳特教授显然是金牛座。她很理性——不仅仅体现在她的个性方面,还有字面上的,这也多亏了她研究植物和药草。她耐心、可靠,而且像大多数赫奇帕奇的学生一样,她也很慷慨、热心……就像黄道十二宫的公牛。 10 Gemini - Gilderoy Lockhart Witty, charismatic, charming, chatty... all the best of the Gemini traits are found in the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher (and famed author) Gilderoy Lockhart. However, Professor Lockhart is known as a villain because he also exemplifies all the worst traits of the sign. He's two-faced, manipulative, and cunning - and uses that to steal the stories of more capable witches and wizards, wipe their memories, and claim their triumphs as his own. 10 双子座——吉德罗洛哈特 机智、有魅力、迷人、健谈……双子座的所有优点都体现在黑魔法防御术老师(著名作家)吉德罗洛哈特身上。然而,洛克哈特教授被认为是一个恶棍,因为他也代表了双子座一些最坏的特征。他两面派,善于操纵,狡猾——并利用这些窃取了更有能力的巫师的故事,抹去他们的记忆,并宣称他们的胜利是自己的。 9 Cancer - Remus Lupin Like a classic Cancer, Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor Lupin is intuitive, emotional, and warm-hearted. Despite everything that life has thrown at him, and the wizarding world's treatment of werewolves, Lupin remains kind and compassionate. 9 巨蟹座——莱姆斯·卢平 他就是典型的巨蟹座,黑魔法防御术教授卢平直觉敏锐,感情丰富,而且热心。尽管生活不顺,巫师界对狼人的待遇也很好,卢平依然不会改变他的善良,和同情心。 8 Leo - Madam Hooch The flying teacher and Quidditch referee, Madam Hooch is quite the Leo. She can be warm and friendly, and is incredibly enthusiastic - her energy during Quidditch matches is evident, and she teaches the most physical class at Hogwarts. However, like most lions, Madam Hooch can also be bossy, and she's got no time for silliness. 8 狮子座——霍琦夫人 飞行老师和魁地奇都觉得霍琦夫人简直就是狮子座代表。她热情友好,热情得令人难以置信——在魁地奇比赛中,她的精力多旺盛可是显而易见的,而且她在霍格沃茨还教授学生们最需要体力的课程。然而,像大多数狮子,霍琦夫人也很专横,她没有时间做傻事。 7 Virgo - Minerva McGonagall This fan-favorite Transfiguration Professor is a Virgo through and through. She's meticulous, orderly, and absolutely fair - but she's got a reputation for being strict, and woe betide anyone who is late to her class (like Ron and Harry, who get quite the dressing down from her in their first year). Like most Virgos, Professor McGonagall is known for wanting to keep things in order and having little patience with chaos - but she's also humble, and not one to be underestimated. 7 处女座——米勒娃·麦格 这个粉丝最喜欢的变形教授是一个彻头彻尾的处女座。她一丝不苟,井然有序,而且做事绝对公正——但她也以严格著称,学生上课迟到都会倒霉(比如罗恩和哈利,他们在第一年就被她狠狠地训了一顿)。和大多数处女座的人一样,麦格教授以喜欢把事情安排得井井有条、对混乱的事物没有耐心而闻名——也很谦逊,不要低估她。 6 Libra - Horace Slughorn This charming Potions Professor is a perfect Libra - he's the ultimate diplomat, using his abilities to charm all the students with the most potential into becoming his especial favorites (and helping him out when they succeed). He's incredibly sociable, and even throws parties for the students - but he fits the worst traits of this sign, too. He's very easily influenced, as is shown when Tom Riddle can convince him to reveal secrets of the darkest magic, and he's self-indulgent, loving the finest foods, sweets, and comforts. 6 天秤座——霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩 这位迷人的魔药教授是完美的天秤座——他是终极外交官,用他的能力吸引所有最有潜力的学生,使他们成为自己的得意门生(并在他们成功时帮助他)。他非常善于交际,甚至会为学生们举办聚会——但他也符合这个星座最糟糕的特点,他很容易被外界影响,就像汤姆·里德尔能说服他去揭露最黑暗魔法的秘密一样,他是一个自我放纵的人,喜欢最好的食物、糖果和舒适。 5 Scorpio - Severus Snape Love him or hate him, there's little doubt that Snape should be a Scorpio - and like the Potions Master, the scorpion is known to have a bit of a sting! Scorpios are passionate and generally intelligent - and there's no doubt that fits Severus, whose passion for Lily guided his entire life, and whose love of potions made him one of the best wizards in his field. However, like most Scorpios, Snape is also moody, jealous, and obsessive... and this was his downfall. 5 天蝎座——西弗勒斯·斯内普 爱也好,恨也罢,毫无疑问,斯内普是天蝎座——就像魔药课老师一样,蝎子的刺是众所周知的!天蝎座的人热情而聪明——毫无疑问,这很适合西弗勒斯,他对莉莉的热情指导了他的一生,他对魔药的热爱使他成为他的领域里最好的巫师之一。然而,就像大多数天蝎座一样,斯内普也喜怒无常、嫉妒心强、偏执……这就是他的垮台。 4 Sagittarius - Rubeus Hagrid Like most Saggitarius types, Rubeus Hagrid is an optimist, truly believing the best in people (and in all creatures, no matter how dangerous they appeal to other people). He's cheerful, loving, and honest - to a fault, as it seems that Hagrid can't keep a secret to save his life (or anyone else's). 4 射手座——鲁伯·海格 像大多数撒迦特大流士一样,鲁伯·海格是一个乐观主义者,他真正相信人(以及所有生物,不管他们对别人有多危险)的一些优点。他开朗、可爱、诚实——但也有缺点,海格好像不能为了自己(或别人)的生命而保守秘密。 3 Capricorn - Filius Flitwick Although fans don't get to see as much of Filius Flitwick as they would like, there's enough to know that he would definitely be a match for any Capricorn. From what is seen in the series, the Charms Professor is practical, disciplined, and careful - although don't let that fool you, in the Battle of Hogwarts he shows just how brave a Capricorn can be. 3. 摩羯座——菲利乌斯·弗立维

尽管粉丝们并没有像他们想的那样经常见到菲利乌斯·弗立维,这足以让我们知道,他绝对会是任何摩羯座的伴侣。从剧中我们可以看出,这位魔咒课教授很实际,很有纪律,也很细心——不过别让这些欺骗了你,在霍格沃茨的战斗中,他展示了摩羯座的勇敢。 2 Aquarius - Firenze In the films, Firenze doesn't actually become a professor, but any book fan will know that he actually took over after Trelawney was fired by Umbridge. He taught divination through the stars, drawing on the knowledge of his kind. This makes him a perfect Aquarius - solitary and independent, he is also sensitive and extremely wise. 2 水瓶座——费伦泽 在电影中,费伦泽实际上并没有成为一名教授,但所有书迷应该都知道,他实际上是在特里劳妮被乌姆里奇解雇后才接手的。他利用同类人的知识,并且通过星星教授占卜,这使他成为完美的水瓶座——孤独和独立,他也非常敏感和聪明。 1 Pisces - Sybill Trelawney Finally, Pisces. The last sign of the zodiac is clearly embodied by Divination Professor Trelawney - whose hippy style and sensitive nature perfectly fits the sign of the fish. This water sign is an extremely sensitive idealist, who (to be honest) isn't always the most grounded in reality. And Trelawney, with her incense, crystal balls, wild predictions, and high drama, is the ultimate Pisces. 双鱼座——西比尔·特里劳妮 最后,双鱼座。黄道十二宫的最后一个星座是占卜教授特里劳妮,她的嬉皮士风格和敏感的性格完全符合鱼的性格。水相星座是一个极度敏感的理想主义者,(说实话)他们并不总是在现实中脚踏实地。而特里劳妮,她的熏香,水晶球,疯狂的预测,和高度戏剧,就是终极双鱼座。
