Every House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is tailored to a specific type of student. Gryffindors are brave, Slytherins are ambitious, Hufflepuffs are hardworking, and Ravenclaws are intelligent. And, given that the students who are sorted into Hogwarts are quite literally the brightest, it comes as no surprise that Ravenclaw witches and wizards tend to be high achievers.
Power comes in all different forms in the Harry Potter world. It can be in the form of magical power, social influence, or intelligence and other talents. But who are the most powerful Ravenclaws in the Harry Potter universe?
10 桃金娘
To be fair, the mere fact that Moaning Myrtle has any influence at all in the world despite the fact that she's dead does say something about her as a person. However, as most students who encounter her would probably agree, it doesn't necessarily say something good.
Myrtle exists as an annoyance at best, and to be honest, the fact that she didn't even figure out that she was killed by a basilisk doesn't compliment her intellectual prowess either, which is really all she has left in the afterlife.
9 秋•张
Cho Chang was sort of a character who existed in the outer orbit of the main Harry Potter storyline, but there's a reason that Harry himself was so interested in her.
Cho was a charming and popular girl who made friends with everyone, she was a pretty exceptionally talented witch, and she was brave and bold enough to join Dumbledore's Army and fight against the Dark Lord in the Battle of Hogwarts, which is more than many Ravenclaws can say.
Ideally the characters of the Harry Potter world are powerful in the positive sense, but occasionally there are characters whose power is more of an ill omen than anything. Unfortunately, Gilderoy Lockhart is the latter sort of powerful person.
In almost every way he's an incompetent, bumbling fool, but his talent for memory charms literally enabled him to become one of the most famous and popular wizards in the world, at least for a short time before he was hoisted by his own petard.
7 谢菲留斯•洛古夫德
Xeno Lovegood is a fascinating demonstration of how a wizard's power and status can shift dramatically over a short period of time. At first, Luna's father was seen as even loonier than she was, and he was considered to be nothing more than a conspiracy theorist to most.
However, when Voldemort made his big return, Xenophilius was one of the few people actually trying to get the word out, and over the course of the Wizarding War he became a respected source of truth.
6 西尔比•特里劳妮
Professor Trelawney built her entire life around her ability to foresee the future. However, in a sort of doubly ironic twist, she only foretold a true prophecy once, but it was arguably the most important prophecy in the history of wizardkind.
But even putting that aside, she was a Hogwarts professor for years, and the influence that she had over thousands of students who came and went demonstrated a significant level of social power.
5 奎利纳斯·奇洛
On his own, Quirinus Quirrell wasn't a particularly exceptional wizard. He was the Hogwarts Muggle Studies professor for a bit before he briefly left, apparently to literally get Voldemort stuck on the back of his head.
And, unsurprisingly, once Voldy was safely stuck into Quirrell's skull, Quirrell became considerably more powerful, although despite the help from Voldemort he still proved to be Harry Potter's easiest-to-defeat adversary.
4 卢娜•洛古夫德
Although Luna Lovegood might not be the most powerful Ravenclaw who ever lived, she is undoubtedly the fan-favorite from the wittiest Hogwarts House. And while Luna began her journey as an isolated outcast, she eventually found a huge group of friends that included some of the most powerful witches and wizards who ever lived.
And although Luna was often derided for her off-the-wall theories and ideas, many of those eccentricities are exactly what made her brilliant.
3 菲利乌斯·弗利维
Charms is one of the most vital schools of study in the entirety of witchcraft and wizardry, so the very fact that Filius Flitwick managed to ascend to the position of Hogwarts Charms Professor is a testament to his intelligence and natural magical talent.
And of course, aside from that, Professor Flitwick was also the Head of Ravenclaw House and a pretty powerful fighter in the Second Wizarding War, so his influence in the wizarding world is massive.
2 奥利凡德
Although Garrick Ollivander doesn't seem like the most social wizard who ever lived, it's impossible to overlook the fact that he changed the lives of nearly every witch or wizard in the entire UK, and many more across the world.
As one of the premiere wand makers in the wizarding world, Mr. Ollivander touches the lives of thousands of wizards, and his expertise when it comes to matching wands and wizards enables all magic users to fulfill their real potential.
1 罗伊纳·拉文克劳
Who could be a more powerful Ravenclaw than Rowena Ravenclaw herself? Aside from being one of the founders of a prestigious and important wizarding school, Rowena herself designed her House to collect and educate the best and brightest of the wizarding world.