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Harry Potter: 10 Characters That Fans Would Love To Be Friends With



Many fans of Harry Potter grew up reading the series and were roughly the same ages as the characters, and now, new generations of younger fans are also falling in love with the wizarding world. Both younger and older fans alike have characters that they love and others that they can’t stand, and while these will vary from person to person, there are some characters in the fandom that are generally well-liked across the board.


Some of these characters are ones that fans would love to be friends with for many reasons. For example, Luna would be a great friend to rely on and to always be there for you while other characters, like Fred and Geroge, would be great to get up to some trouble with.


10Sirius Black

  1. 小天狼星布莱克                                                                                                                 While Sirius Black might not be the best godfather, he was overall a pretty good friend. He prizes loyalty very highly and would rather die than betray his pals. So, once he cares about you, he would be willing to do almost anything for you. While he can be a bit arrogant at times, some fans still wish they could be friends with him because he’s one of the more “cool” characters from the franchise.


9Cedric Diggory

  1. 塞德里克·迪戈里

While Cedric is a side character who is really only in one book before he dies, many fans still love him. His story is a very tragic one, but by all accounts, he would make a great friend. He’s a loyal and true person and really exemplifies the best things about Hufflepuff house. He’s liked by most of his peers and is rather popular, and he’s overall smart and a talented athlete. But, the best thing about him is that he is kind.


8Bill Weasley

  1. 比尔*韦斯莱

Bill Weasley is another character that fans would love to be friends with because he’s just so cool. Truthfully, most of the Weasleys — save Percy — would be great pals, but there’s something particularly fascinating about Bill. He has a cool job as a curse breaker, and his unique sense of style makes him very appealing. Plus, he’s overall pretty laid-back and plays by his own rules, so he’d be a good friend to hang out with and have adventures.



  1. 海格

While being friends with Hagrid would mean having to put up with his bad cooking, it would be worth it. Hagrid is a very caring person who would always try to be there for you, and while you might not enjoy his food, at least he takes the time to make it.


Spending an afternoon inside his hut would be cozy and welcoming. He could also introduce you to some amazing magical creatures — you’d just have to make sure he wasn’t bringing any dangerous ones home.


6Ginny Weasley

  1. 金妮*韦斯莱

Just like her older brother Bill, Ginny is a cool and popular character with the people around her. Ginny would be a great friend if you’re a sporty person who likes to be active, but she also doesn’t mind just enjoying a more chill time hanging out with friends or by the lake. Ginny doesn’t put up with a lot of nonsense, and she’s both honest and smart. And, just like most of the Weasleys, she knows how to be a true friend.


5Fred And George Weasley

  1. 弗雷德和乔治

Fred and George are loyal and good people, but they are also just a lot of wild fun. They are big pranksters and jokesters, so you would have to put up with testing their products out on yourself. However, you’d also get access to some of the best joke products ever, and be able to get up to some rather harmless but exciting trouble with the twins. But while most of the friendship would be about fun, they are also loyal people when it comes down to it.

尽管他们会做一些恶作剧,他们兄弟俩也是忠于朋友的好人。他们经营着韦斯莱笑话商店,所以你得同意他们将新的玩具在你的身上试验。当然,你也可以抢先试用他们新的笑话产品。相信你们与韦斯莱家的双胞胎之间的友情一定是笑中带泪的。你们的友情看起来只是为了好玩,但他们待你一定真心实意。4Nymphadora Tonks

  1. 尼法朵拉*唐克斯

Tonks is another character that fans really love and wish they’d gotten to know more about. She’s a minor character who doesn’t get all that many scenes, but fans warmed up to her her right away. She’s unique and does things her own way, and she’s naturally fun and likable.



Tonks would be able to show you all of her Metamorphosis skills, and she has a light-hearted personality most of the time. You’d enjoy joking around with her and hearing her stories from being an Auror.


3Luna Lovegood

  1. 卢娜*洛夫古德

When thinking about all of the traits Luan possesses, one of the first that comes to mind is that she’s a true friend. Since many people don’t understand her, she really values those in her life who do. Luna might be a bit eccentric, but this is really all part of her charm. She’s charismatic and creative, and she would do anything to help her friends, no questions asked.


2Neville Longbottom

  1. 纳威*隆巴顿

Similar to Luna, fans love Neville and wish they could hang out with him because he is loyal and good. While he might not be cool or conventional, he’s true to himself. He can be a bit of a dork, but this is ideal if you don't feel like you fit in either. Plus, he’s also extremely brave and not to be underestimated. Neville is a leader and also someone with a compassionate soul.


1The Trio

  1. 铁三角

While there are many characters from Harry Potter that fans would love to hang out with, no one can really compete with the Trio. Individually, each of these three has their own strengths and weaknesses, and different fans like some of them more than others. However, it’s really the combination of the three of them that fans adore. Most people would love to get to be the fourth person in their group.

