a (horrible) translation of my own fanfic. as usual, if you want to read the original version, just flip all the way to the bottom.
突然,他看到我,伟岸地站在房间的中央,“这是什么?”他用刚才听到的那种快乐的声音自言自语道,“快看,F……”他的声音突然颤抖起来。“不,停下。”他自言自语地说:“别再想他了。他已经不在这里了。”他伸出一只颤抖的手,触摸着我身上的文字:“Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi… I show not you face but your heart’s desire。” 他很聪明,很快就发现了我的秘密。 “我真想知道我‘内心的渴望’是什么?”他看着我,痛苦地笑了笑。
然后,他停顿了片刻,“那我呢?”听到这个你会很高兴的,这一次,我没你那么好。我就是无法释怀……我们已经胜利了很久了,但我每天晚上都忍不住梦到你。真可悲哈,感觉你的身体越来越冷,每次闭上眼睛就看到你那张死去的脸。” 他忍不住哭了起来,但最后他终于控制住了自己的声音: “我做不到。我无法选择遗忘。我只是,我只是无法抹去我们过去的美好回忆。我连照镜子都会想起来。你无处不在,在我生命中的一切。”他痛苦地笑着小声说:“是啊,我承认,我要活不下去了……那么,你现在能回来了吗? 要知道,如果你不回来的话,我将需要用一生的时间装作快乐的样子,但那明明应该是你做的啊。”
The Mirror of Erised
Disclaimer-of course I don’t own the Harry Potter series. (and no, you can’t find my work on fanfiction net, cuz my parents won’t let my get an account)
Hello, I am the Mirror of Erised.
I have been in Hogwarts for hundreds, or even thousands of years, but I am always sitting in an empty classroom, waiting to be found. All those centuries, I’ve seen people longing for their families and friends, or craving to become powerful and all mighty. I’ve seen the greatest Hogwarts Headmaster and his woolen socks, and the-boy-who-lived with his long-gone family. Yet I’ve never seen anyone truly satisfied with what they’ve got, or as Professor Dumbledore called them, ‘the happiest man on earth’. So, after being locked up in the Room of Requirement for safe keeping, I couldn’t help to wonder, “what will someone truly happy be like?”. It isn’t hard to imagine that somebody like this will be almost impossible to find. But once, I thought I did meet the one-right after the second Wizarding War.
It was an afternoon. There was no sun, but the temperature is alarming high. Students and professors walk around, all talking in a really low voice. I wasn’t able to see them, yet I could imagine the not so happy, even a bit depressing atmosphere out there. Suddenly, a clear and mischievous voice broke the silence, “Good afternoon Professor McGonagall, fancy a stroll with me? No? Alright. Then I’ll go and explore my old school all by myself then. Make way for your beloved hero!” I could almost see a bit of his huge smile.
He might be just the man I’m looking for, I thought to myself, so carefree and happy, even after surviving the terrible war. I hoped that he’ll come and find me.
Surprisingly, my wish did come true. The man walked right towards the Room of Requirement, and imagined for the familiar room. He quickly stepped inside, closing the door behind him unbelievably gently. The grin on his face then suddenly disappeared, replaced by a horribly sad mood, as if trying not to cry, “No, I can’t do this. I should’ve never agreed to mom and come back here again. He’s everywhere.”
Suddenly, he saw me, standing tall and proud, in the center of the room, “What is this?” he exclaimed to himself, using that happy voice I heard a moment ago, “Look at this, F…” his voice then suddenly faltered. “No, stop it.” He murmured to himself, “Stop thinking about him. He’s not here anymore.” He reached out a trembling hand, touching the words on me, “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi… I show not you face but your heart’s desire.” He was smart, figuring out my secret in no time. “I wonder what my ‘heart’s desire’ is?” he smiled painfully to himself, as he looked into me.
At first, I think it was impossible, as someone who looks exactly the same appeared inside me. Well, almost exactly the same. The boy in me was a tiny bit taller, his hair a bit messier, his expression even more outgoing, and his smile more carefree and more mischievous. Yet the two were almost undistinguishable to most.
He’s definitely seeing himself in me! I heard a voice in my heart (do mirrors have hearts? I doubt that anyway) yelling, he’s the one, he’s happy! But he can’t be, can he? The boy seemed so happy at first, but I could feel that there’s definitely something wrong with him in the inside. Maybe because of the war? I began speculating.
However, his weeping soon put an end to my not so polite thoughts, “No, please don’t, no… don’t show me this, just don’t.” he stared at me forcefully, yet full of melancholy (yay, my big word for the day), as if trying to force me into changing the image with sheer will.
Suddenly, his expression softened into pure sadness, he began whispering to the image, trying hard to control his breathing, “Hey, it’s me. I am back in Hogwarts today, and I’m now talking to you with a strange mirror. I believe it is called the mirror of the Erised. I doubt you can hear me through this uh…device? But I still want to talk to you anyway.” His whispers became a bit more loudly there, “You alright up there? I hope you aren’t; cuz you’ve left us so much trouble down here. Mom is still weeping for her lost son. I can tell that Bill and Charlie are also upset, but they just won’t show it on the outside. Percy is the most depressed-funny how that works, huh? He is constantly blaming himself for distracting you, because he thinks that if he hadn’t joked, maybe you will be more focused on battling and…well, you might live. Yeah, I know. His joke was, and will always be pathetic, but I don’t think you’ll be send off just for a bad joke. Ron will marry Hermione after mom gets back to herself, and Ginny and Harry, well, they are waiting for Ginny to get aged. As Professor McGonagall said, “Dumbledore would have been happier than anybody to think that there was a little more love in the world.” I think that you’re almost as great as Professor Dumbledore, even if you will never be as great as me, so I’d say that you would have agreed.”
Then, he paused for a second, “And me? Well…you will be happy to hear that, for once, I’m not as good as you. I just can’t get over this… it’s been so long since we won, but I can’t help to dream of you every night. Pathetic, huh, feeling your body grow cold, seeing your dead face every time I close my eyes.” He broke down into tears then, but was able to regain control of his voice in the end, “I can’t do this. I can’t get over you. I just, I just can’t get rid of all the happy memories we’ve had together. I can’t even look into a mirror without thinking about you. You are everywhere, you’re everything in my life.” He whispered with a painful smile, “Yeah, I admit, I can’t live without you…so, can you come back now? Because if you don’t, I’ll have to spend my whole life pretending that I’m happy. That should have been your job, shouldn’t it?”
At this point, all his hair in front was wetted by his tears, and it stuck to his face. Something unusual began to appear-a missing ear! So this man is talking to his lost ear? Gosh, he might not be the happiest man on Earth, but he must be the craziest one.
Fortunately, he was able to collect himself after quite a long time, cleaned up with a few quick spells, and left looking like the happier version of him. I hope that I’ll never meet him again-you never know when a maniac is going to smash you into pieces.
But the Mirror of Erised never knew, George Weasley didn’t only lost one ear in the war. He had also lost his patronus, his happiness, and the other half of his soul.