Harry Potter: The 10 Strongest First Order Of The Phoenix Members 哈利·波特:凤凰社最强大的十名成员

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Of the original Order of the Phoenix members in the world of Harry Potter, which witches and wizards had the most strength?


The original Order of the Phoenix were certainly some of the bravest witches and wizards of their day, and some o the most willing to stand up to darkness, but bravery isn't always the same thing as strength. These members of the Order during the First Wizarding War were occasionally called up to do real battle with the Death Eaters, but were just as likely to be standing up to the Dark Wizards in more subtle ways, like spying, or simply maintaining a resistance for people to look to.


And of course, so many of these members died during the First Wizarding War (or were irrevocably changed) that it's difficult to know how strong they might have become. The Potters died in their very early twenties - perhaps, if they had lived to the age that Dumbledore did, they could have become as strong as the future Headmaster of Hogwarts. However, based on their magical powers, emotional and mental strength, and where they were at death, who is the strongest of them?


10Arabella Figg 阿拉贝拉

Mrs. Figg was a member of both First and Second Order - despite not being a witch! Arabella was a Squib, so while she may have been a very brave member of the First Order Of The Phoenix, she doesn't have much strength to back it with. She is also portrayed as physically frail (at least, by the time that Harry knows her as his neighbor), and is incapable of doing magic. She is still capable of being a help to the Order, of course, and is useful as someone to keep an eye on Harry for his entire life and support him at his trial. However, she is clearly the weakest member.


9Mundungus Fletcher蒙顿格斯

It's possible that Mundungus has some real magical power, but if this is the  case, it is rarely shown - and he spends most of the series skulking around the fringes of the Order, without really doing much magic at all. In fact, his purpose in the order is to give them an in to the rumors of the wizarding underworld.



Presumably, he does have some ability, and he has more magical power than Mrs Figg - as he is actually a wizard. However, out of all the magical members of the Order, he has the least moral, mental, and emotional fortitude. He has no qualms about stealing, abandoning his post, and even running away from a battle and leaving another member of the Order to die.


8 Dedalus Diggle迪达洛斯·迪格尔

Dedalus Diggle is probably the member of the first order that Harry Potter fans learn the least about. He's not present during many of the major battles (and definitely not in the film version of these), and his main roles seem to be keeping an eye on Harry, and being one of the members who escorted the Dursely's away from Privet Drive and into hiding. The only other real mention of Diggle is in the first book, when he is suspected of creating magical shooting stars to celebrate Voldemort's downfall.


It's possible to assume some basic level of magical ability (especially with the stars), and the emotional strength to stand up to Voldemort (twice!), but beyond this, there just isn't enough to go on to consider him noticeably strong.


7 Mad-Eye疯眼汉

Mad-Eye Moody is definitely a strong and capable wizard, and an incredible Auror who stood up to Voldemort in both wizarding wars. His magical strength is enough to keep him alive through a huge number of battles and attacks that leave him heavily scarred, with a replacement magical eye, and a wooden leg. He is mentioned as having received recognition for his battles in the First Wizarding War, too.


Despite all this, though, he isn't one of the strongest by the time of his death - largely because of his extreme paranoia, and lack of emotional control later in life. It's also worth noting that he is the most physically changed by his battles - which may suggest that he is incredibly brave, but not strong enough to actually fend off attacks as effectively as some other Order members.


6 Peter Pettigrew小矮星彼得

Emotionally and morally, Peter is likely the weakest of the original order. He lacks the strength of character to protect his friends and to fight on the side of good, and is clearly the most villainous of the original Order of the Phoenix. However, there is a surprising amount of strength to the rat, too.


He was magically powerful enough to become an unregistered animagus as a teen, which is no small feat, and then magically powerful enough to create the explosion that he used to fake his death. He also has the strength of will to cut off his own hand to serve Voldemort - it may have been done for a horrifying reason, but it still took serious willpower - as would living as a rat for over a decade. Had Pettigrew put his strengths to positive ends, he could have been a great wizard.


5Remus Lupin莱姆斯卢平

Remus is clearly one of the most capable members of the original Order, and there's no denying that his werewolf nature makes him the most physically strong - at least, for three days of each month. However, his magical abilities aren't shown off as much as those of many of the other members of the Order, so it's difficult to truly compare them. In terms of simple magical ability, he may even be weaker than Peter, based on spells used in the books.


However, his mental and emotional strength clearly put him ahead of his ratty friend. Lupin has the strength to manage his condition, to even welcome it to spy on the other side, and to continue to fight for good, no matter what. He does have some weakness, when it comes to being willing to take the risk on his relationship with Tonks, but this could also be seen as a strength - a willingness to sacrifice his own happiness for her future.


4Sirius Black小天狼星布莱克

Becuase Sirius only joins the Harry Potter series after his stint in Azkaban, readers don't see him at his prime. And because he has to spend most of the series either on the run, or stuck inside Grimmauld Place, there aren't many opportunities for him to show off his magical skills. However, his ability to become an animagus is impressive in and of itself, and there are mentions of his magic use before his sentence that suggest he was a reasonably powerful wizard.


More than that, though, he displays incredible mental and emotional strength. He manages to survive Azkaban with his mind (largely) intact, and this is through his sheer strength of will (and animagus form). He manages to break out in order to protect Harry, and he is able to handle (with some struggle) life on the run and then life trapped in a home he hated.


3The Potters波特夫妇

As James and Lily are dead before the series begins, fans don't get much of an idea of their strength in terms of magic, but what is revealed suggests they were particularly strong. James, like the other marauders, is able to become an animagus, to create his own spells, and to do incredibly well at school, while Lily is described as one of the best witches of her year.


Their true strength, though, lies in their emotional strength, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to fight evil, and sacrifice their own lives for that of their child. This strength, especially on Lily's part, is what saves Harry and eventually defeats Voldemort, and shouldn't be underestimated. It can be argued that any parent would do the same, but their strength, and the way they lend that strength to Harry even after death (thanks to a couple of rare spells) is impressive.


2The Longbottoms隆巴顿夫妇

Like the Potters, the Longbottoms were capable at school, although fans don't get to see a lot of their magical abilities beyond a few references, as they start the series in long-term care at St Mungos. In many ways, it would even be easier to assume that they were not as strong as the Potters - they didn't have to go into hiding, they didn't die, and they have no specific examples mentioned of particularly noteworthy magic.


However, while the Potters were killed by Voldemort instantly, using Avada Kedavra, the Longbottoms had to endure the Cruciatus Curse instead. The mental and emotional strength it would take to cope with the kind of torture Bellatrix enjoyed, and refuse to break or tell Voldemort anything, is incredible.



Of course, the most powerful member of the original Order has to be Dumbledore - who is also repeatedly described as the most powerful wizard of his time, and the only one who Voldemort was afraid of. Dumbledore also held the Elder Wand for most of his life, as well as social and political power, and yet had the strength to turn down higher positions - knowing that this kind of power would likely corrupt him.


Whether it comes to actual spellwork or emotional strength, Dumbledore is easily the strongest member - even if some fans may argue his willingness to sacrifice Harry wasn't exactly 'strength', but manipulation (and of course, recognizing that by the end of his long life, his physical strength may not have been much!).

