Gilderoy Lockhart 吉德罗·洛克哈特

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By J.K. Rowling Originally published on

on Aug 10th 2015

J.K.罗琳 原载于 2015年8月10日

Born to a witch mother and a Muggle father, with two older sisters, Gilderoy Lockhart was the only one of his parents’ three children to show magical ability.


Early Life Born to a witch mother and a Muggle father, with two older sisters, Gilderoy Lockhart was the only one of his parents’ three children to show magical ability. A clever, good-looking boy, he was his mother’s unashamed favourite, and the realisation that he was also a wizard caused his vanity to blossom like a particularly pernicious weed.

早期生活 吉德罗洛哈特的母亲是女巫,父亲是麻瓜,还有两个姐姐。他是他父母三个孩子中唯一一个显示出魔法能力的。他是一个聪明、英俊的男孩,是他母亲毫无羞愧的最爱,意识到他也是一个巫师,使他的虚荣心像一株特别有害的野草一样开花。

School The young Lockhart’s arrival at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was not the triumph that he and his mother had expected. Somehow, Lockhart had not appreciated that he would be in a whole school full of witches and wizards, many of them more accomplished than himself. (In fact, he had visualised for himself an entrance into Hogwarts not unlike the one that Harry Potter experienced, decades later. He had imagined walking down the corridors to excited whispers of his magical prowess, it never having occurred to him that every student at Hogwarts had had similar experiences before starting school.) In Lockhart’s own mind he was already a fully-fledged hero and genius, and it was a most unwelcome shock to discover that his name was unknown, his talents were unexceptional and that nobody was particularly impressed by his naturally wavy hair. This is not to say that Lockhart had no talent. Indeed, his teachers felt that he was of above-average intelligence and ability, and that, with hard work, he might make something of himself, even if he fell short of the ambitions he shared freely with classmates (Lockhart told anyone who would listen that he would succeed in making a Philosopher’s Stone before leaving school and that he intended to captain England’s Quidditch team to World Cup glory, before knuckling down to becoming Britain’s youngest Minister for Magic).

学校 年轻的洛克哈特来到霍格沃茨魔法学校,这并不是他和母亲所期待的胜利。不知怎的,洛克哈特没有意识到,他将在一个充满巫师的学校里,其中许多人比他更有成就。(事实上,他想象过自己进入霍格沃茨的情景,就像几十年后哈利·波特所经历的那样。他想象着走在走廊上,听到人们兴奋地窃窃私语,谈论他的魔法能力,但他从未想到霍格沃茨的每个学生在入学前都有过类似的经历。在洛克哈特自己的心目中,他已经是一个羽翼丰满的英雄和天才了。当他发现自己的名字无人知晓,他的才能并不出众,没有人对他那自然卷曲的头发有特别深刻的印象时,那真是一种极不受欢迎的震惊。 这并不是说洛克哈特没有天赋。的确,他的老师觉得他的智力和能力都在常人之上,只要努力,即使达不到与同学们自由分享的抱负,也可能有所成就(洛克哈特告诉所有愿意听的人,在离开学校之前,他会成功地制造出魔法石,他打算在成为英国最年轻的魔法部长之前,带领英格兰魁地奇队赢得世界杯的荣耀。)

Sorted into Ravenclaw house, Lockhart was soon achieving good marks in his schoolwork, but there was always a kink in his nature that made him increasingly unsatisfied. If he was not first and best, he would rather not participate at all. Increasingly, he directed his talents towards short cuts and dodges. He valued learning not for its own sake, but for the attention it brought him. He craved prizes and awards. He lobbied the Headmaster to start a school newsletter, because he liked nothing better than to see his name and photograph in print. Never very popular, he nevertheless achieved his primary goal of school-wide recognition through repeated, attention-getting exploits. He received a week’s worth of detentions for magically carving his signature in twenty-foot-long letters into the Quidditch pitch. He managed to create a massive, illuminated projection of his own face, which he would send skywards in imitation of the Dark Mark. He sent himself eight hundred Valentine’s cards one year, which caused such a pile-up of owls in the Great Hall that breakfast had to be abandoned (far too many feathers and droppings in the porridge).

被分类到拉文克劳的房子,洛克哈特很快就在他的功课上取得了良好的成绩,但他总是有一个扭结,使他越来越不满意。如果他不是第一和最好的,他宁愿不参加。他越来越把自己的才能转向捷径和躲闪。他重视学习不是为了它本身,而是为了它带给他的注意。他渴望奖品和奖品。他游说校长开始一份学校通讯,因为他最喜欢在印刷品上看到他的名字和照片。 他从未很受欢迎,但他通过反复的、获得关注的利用,实现了他全校认可的首要目标。他因神奇地在二十英尺长的信件中刻上他的签名而被拘留了一周,并刻进了魁地奇球场。他设法创造了一个巨大的,照亮自己的脸投影,他将发送天空模仿黑暗标记。一年,他给自己寄了八百张情人节贺卡,造成人民大会堂里猫头鹰堆积如山,早餐不得不放弃(粥里有太多的羽毛和粪便)。 霍格沃茨后职业 当洛克哈特最终离开霍格沃茨时,工作人员松了一口气。他很快就被外国人听到,他的功绩开始受到越来越多的宣传。他的许多前教师开始觉得他们可能误判了他,因为他表现出了勇敢和韧性,在清除各种遥远的地方的危险,黑暗的生物。 事实是洛克哈特终于找到了他真正的召唤。他从来就不是一个坏巫师,只是一个懒惰的巫师,他决定在一个方向上磨练自己的才能:记忆魅力。通过完善这个棘手的咒语,他成功地修改了十几个高成就和勇敢的女巫和巫师的回忆,让他获得荣誉,他们的大胆功绩,回到英国在每一个"冒险"机智结束h 一本准备出版的新书, 用丰富的发明细节重述了 "他" 的勇敢壮举。 在离开学校的十年内,洛克哈特凭借他的系列自传和作为世界级黑暗艺术卫士的美誉获得了畅销书奖。他甚至获得了梅林骑士团,三等,成为黑暗力量防御联盟的名誉成员,他的美貌没有被许多生死,牙齿和爪子的战斗,他声称与狼人,班希等-赢得了女巫周刊的"最迷人的微笑奖"不少于五次连续。 返回霍格沃茨 许多工作人员对阿不思·邓布利多选择邀请吉尔德罗伊·洛克哈特回到霍格沃茨担任"保卫黑暗艺术"的老师的原因感到困惑。虽然确实不可能说服其他人接受这份工作(关于它被诅咒的谣言正在霍格沃茨内外聚集力量),但许多教师认为洛克哈特是彻头彻尾的令人讨厌,不管他后来的成就如何。 然而,阿不思·邓布利多的计划却很深入。他碰巧认识两个巫师,因为吉尔德罗伊·洛克哈特一生的工作值得称赞,他是唯一一个认为他知道洛克哈特在做什么的人。邓布利多确信,洛克哈特只需要回到一个普通的学校环境,被揭露为骗子和骗子。从未喜欢过洛克哈特的麦戈纳格尔教授问邓布利多,他认为学生会从这样一个虚荣、渴望名人的人那里学到什么。邓布利多回答说,"即使从一位坏老师那里,也有很多值得学习的东西:什么不该做,怎么不做"。 洛克哈特可能并不热衷回到霍格沃茨,考虑到他被盗的荣耀生涯进展得多么顺利,邓布利多没有把哈利·波特的承诺悬在渴望成名的头上(邓布利多四年后,当另一杯茶时,邓布利多将重蹈覆辙)切尔需要被说服回到学校) 。邓布利多巧妙地暗示教哈利·波特会为洛克哈特的名声树立一个无法抗拒的诱惑。 到他到达学校时,洛克哈特的神奇技能(曾经相当好)几乎变得生锈得无法修复。他唯一真正有能力的咒语是记忆魅力,他多年来一直在反复使用。他的课程很快变成了一场戏法,因为据透露,他完全无能的一切,他声称,在他的书,是专家。 那次事故使洛克哈特精神错乱,发生在他在霍格沃茨的年终,当时他被一个永远抹去他的过去的记忆魅力击中。此后,他一直住在圣芒戈魔法马拉迪斯和受伤的医院的贾努斯·希奇病房。

Post-Hogwarts Career When Lockhart finally left Hogwarts, it was to a faint sigh of relief from the staff. He was soon heard of in foreign parts, where his exploits began garnering increasing publicity. Many of his ex-teachers began to feel that they might have misjudged him because he was demonstrating both bravery and resilience in ridding various far-flung places of dangerous, dark creatures. The truth was that Lockhart had found his true calling at last. He had never been a bad wizard, only a lazy one, and he had decided to hone his talents in one direction: Memory Charms. By perfecting this tricky spell, he had succeeded in modifying the recollections of a dozen highly accomplished and courageous witches and wizards, allowing him to take credit for their daring exploits, returning to Britain at the end of each ‘adventure’ with a new book ready for publication which retold ‘his’ feats of bravery with a wealth of invented detail.

过去霍格沃茨职业生涯 当洛克哈特终于离开霍格沃茨时,员工们松了一口气。他很快就在国外听说了,在那里他的功绩开始引起越来越多的注意。他的许多前老师开始觉得他们可能误判了他,因为他在消除各种危险的、黑暗的生物的过程中表现出了勇气和韧性。 事实上,洛克哈特终于找到了他真正的使命。他从来就不是一个坏巫师,只是一个懒惰的巫师,他决定在一个方向磨练自己的才能:记忆柜。通过完善这一棘手的咒语,他成功地修改了十多位成就卓著、勇敢的女巫和巫师的记忆,使他得以为他们的大胆功绩而功劳,在每一次“冒险”结束时回到英国,并准备出版一本新书,这本书以丰富的虚构细节重述了他的“勇敢壮举”。Within a decade of leaving school, Lockhart had achieved bestseller status with his series of autobiographical books and a reputation as a world-class defender against the Dark Arts. He even received the Order of Merlin, Third Class, became an Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League and – his good looks untarnished by the many life-and-death, tooth-and-claw battles he claimed to have had with werewolves, banshees and the like – won Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award no less than five times in a row.


Return to Hogwarts


Many staff were baffled as to the reason that Albus Dumbledore chose to invite Gilderoy Lockhart back to Hogwarts as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. While it was true that it had become almost impossible to persuade anybody else to take the job (the rumour that it was cursed was gathering strength both inside and outside Hogwarts), many teachers remembered Lockhart as thoroughly obnoxious, whatever his later achievements.


Albus Dumbledore’s plans, however, ran deep. He happened to have known two of the wizards for whose life’s work Gilderoy Lockhart had taken credit, and was one of the only people in the world who thought he knew what Lockhart was up to.


Dumbledore was convinced that Lockhart needed only to be put back into an ordinary school setting to be revealed as a charlatan and a fraud. Professor McGonagall, who had never liked Lockhart, asked Dumbledore what he thought students would learn from such a vain, celebrity-hungry man. Dumbledore replied that ‘there is plenty to be learned even from a bad teacher: what not to do, how not to be’.


Lockhart might not have been keen to return to Hogwarts, given how well his career of stolen glory was progressing, had Dumbledore not dangled the promise of Harry Potter over his fame-hungry head (a ruse that Dumbledore was to repeat four years later, when another teacher needed to be persuaded to come back to school). By subtly suggesting that teaching Harry Potter would set the seal on Lockhart’s fame, Dumbledore had set a lure that Lockhart could not resist. By the time that he arrived at school, Lockhart’s magical skills (once rather good) had become rusty almost beyond repair. The only spell for which he had real ability was the Memory Charm, which he had been using repeatedly for years. His classes quickly became a charade, as he was revealed to be completely inept at everything in which he claimed, in his books, to be expert.

如果邓布利多没有把哈利·波特的承诺挂在他渴望成名的头上(四年后邓布利多要重复这个诡计,当时另一位老师需要被说服回到学校),洛克哈特可能不会渴望回到霍格沃茨。邓布利多巧妙地暗示,教哈利波特会让洛克哈特名声大噪,他设下了洛克哈特无法抗拒的诱惑。 当他来到学校的时候,洛克哈特的魔法技能(曾经相当好)已经生锈几乎无法修复。他唯一拥有真正能力的咒语是记忆咒,他已经反复使用了好几年。他的课很快就成了一种伪装,因为他在书中声称自己是专家的每一件事上都表现得完全无能。

The accident that cost Lockhart his sanity occurred at the end of his year at Hogwarts, when he was hit by a backfiring Memory Charm that forever erased his past. He has since resided in the Janus Thickey Ward of St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.


J.K. Rowling’s thoughts


An extract taken from a BBC Radio 4 interview with Stephen Fry and J.K. Rowling, recorded in the late summer of 2005 and broadcast as a Christmas special in December 2005: Stephen Fry: Now do you actually trawl through books of rare words or OED [Oxford English Dictionary] or things, or are they just things that you somehow, you’ve got a good memory for words? J.K. Rowling: I don’t really trawl books. They tend to be things I’ve collected or stumbled across in general reading. The exception was Gilderoy – Gilderoy Lockhart. The name Lockhart, well, I know it’s quite a well-known Scottish surname… SF: Yeah.

摘自英国广播公司第四电台对斯蒂芬·弗莱的采访J.K.罗琳,录制于2005年夏末,2005年12月作为圣诞特别节目播出: 斯蒂芬·弗莱:现在你是不是真的在查生僻字的书,或者牛津英语词典之类的东西,或者它们只是你记忆单词的工具? 罗琳:我真的不翻书。它们往往是我在一般阅读中收集或偶然发现的东西。只有吉德罗洛哈特是个例外。洛克哈特这个名字我知道这是个很有名的苏格兰姓 SF:是的。

JKR: …I found on a war memorial. I was looking for quite a glamorous, dashing sort of surname, and Lockhart caught my eye on this war memorial, and that was it. Couldn’t find a Christian name. And I was leafing through the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable one night. I was consciously looking for stuff, generally, that would be useful and I saw Gilderoy, who was actually a highway man, and a very good-looking rogue.


SF: Really? JKR: And Gilderoy Lockhart, it just sounded perfect. SF: It is a perfect, perfect… JKR: Impressive, and yet, in the middle, quite hollow, of course. SF: Indeed, as we know, he was. JKR: As we know. SF:真的吗? JKR:吉德罗洛哈特,听起来很完美。 旧金山:这是一个完美的,完美的… JKR:令人印象深刻,然而,在中间,当然,相当空洞。 SF:的确,如我们所知,他是。 JKR:我们都知道。
