Hogwarts in the Snow: lesser knowndecorations from the Great Hall
The team at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London– The Making of Harry Potter have shared some Christmassy Great Hall secrets.Let’s join them behind – the – scenes of their Hogwarts in the Snow feature forsome festive details you may have missed...
House representation
Professor McGonagall told Harry and hisclassmates on his arrival at Hogwarts : ‘your house will be something like yourfamily’. For the films, the Art Department, Props Team and Set Decoratorswanted to reflect house colours in the decorations for Christmastide – the timeof year most commonly spent with loved ones.
House representation details you may havemissed include snowmen on cakes wearing house scarves, sweet pots and studentpresents wrapped with house colours, as well as crackers with an individualhouse design.
House pride is strong as ever in the GreatHall during the festive makeover of the sets for Hogwarts in the Snow.
Magical attention to detail
Those of you channeling a Ravenclaw’sthirst for knowledge will be delighted to find out there’s more detail thanjust House representation in the Great Hall.
The garlands on every panel are the actualgarlands used during filming, with some fresh ivy added we’re sure ProfessorSprout would approve of.
The Christmas puddings are rigged by theSpecial Effects department to produce real flames. Unfortunately, they areabout as inedible as Hagrid’s rock cakes since they’re made of concrete andsteel leaves to withstand the high heat.
Fabulous filming facts
Did you know that during the filming of thefirst Harry Potter, real food was cooked and served fresh every day on set?Unfortunately, it didn’t keep well and by the end of a long day’s filming, itlooked a little like the spread at Nearly Headless Nick’s Deathday Party. Afterthe first film therefore, the ever-creative Props Team solved this problem bymaking replica feast food themselves. We hope the cast remembered the change:even the peas were metal ball bearings sprayed green!
And do you remember the malevolent beingscircling the top of the Christmas trees? The SFX Team led by Oscar-winning JohnRichardson added them in an inspired decorative mood. Out-Hermione all yourfriends by telling them the magical beings are actually fairies, not witches.
Yule be surprised to know
The Great Hall also boasted additions forthe special Yule Ball celebration that happened in Harry’s fourth year atHogwarts.
‘Ah, music,’he said, wiping his eyes. ‘A magicbeyond all we do here!’
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Albus Dumbledore certainly would haveapproved of Professer Flitwick’s orchestra being set out for the Yule Ball set.It included all the original musical instruments from the fourth film, as wellas velvet coloured chairs and music stands.
Did you recognise the shape of the icesculpture centerpiece on the Yule Ball table? It was actually based on theBrighton Pavilion! And there was no rest for the Props Team when it came tocreating a wintery feel... All the flaming torches in the Yule Ball werepainted to look like ice, and the icicles were all hand-made in resin.
An enormous cauldron of thanks to WarnerBros .Studio Tour London for sharing these seasonal secrets!
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