All the action from Back to Hogwarts 2020 所有的活动来自回到2020年的霍格沃茨。

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All the action from Back to Hogwarts 2020 所有的活动来自回到2020年的霍格沃茨。

翻译者:鸭鸭 原文章链接:

This morning, we bade farewell to the Hogwarts Express for another year – and fans all over the world joined together for a series of digital activities with a very special live celebration.


Here’s how all of our Wizarding World family got involved with Back to Hogwarts 2020.


Here’s how all of our Wizarding World family got involved with Back to Hogwarts 2020.


You all know the tradition by now – but just one more time... At 11 o’ clock on the 1st September, this is the moment the Hogwarts Express departs Platform Nine and Three-Quarters and takes the students off to school. Every year, we all celebrate this special day in the Wizarding World calendar by counting down to 11 o' clock – and this year – we did so digitally. TV & radio broadcaster Vick Hope (in her finest Hogwarts regalia) presented a livestream full of quizzes, entertainment, Harry Potter activities - and we were treated to guest appearances from some famous faces.


Do not fear if you missed it! You can catch up on the show right here.

现在你们都知道这个传统了——但是再来一次……9月1日11点,这个时刻特快列车将离开9又3 / 4站台,送学生们去学校。每年,我们都要倒数到11点来庆祝魔法世界日历上的这一天。今年,我们用数字方式来庆祝。电视和广播主持人维克•霍普(穿着她最漂亮的霍格沃茨绶带)直播了一场充满测验、娱乐和哈利•波特活动的直播。我们还看到了一些名人的客串演出。


Contributions from all across the Wizarding World family


In the livestream, you’ll have spotted some Harry Potter film actors getting involved, such as James and Oliver Phelps (the Weasley twins) Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) and Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy). There were also contributions from the cast members from different productions of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!


We also had fans from all over the world joining us for the big countdown, of course, making the moment even more special. Not to mention trivia challenges, a snippet of Pottermore Publishing's Journeys to Hogwarts audio experience, and much more. We'll let you watch it for yourself.

在直播中,你会看到一些《哈利•波特》电影演员参与其中,比如詹姆斯和奥利弗•菲尔普斯(韦斯莱双胞胎)、邦妮•赖特(金妮•韦斯莱)和杰森•艾萨克斯(卢修斯•马尔福)。还有来自《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》不同版本的演员们的贡献! 来自世界各地的粉丝也加入了我们的行列,当然,这让这个时刻更加特别。更不用说那些琐碎的挑战,Pottermore出版公司的霍格沃茨音频体验之旅的片段,等等。我们都会让你自己一一观看的

A digital presence at King’s Cross station


For obvious reasons, fans were not able to partake in the annual congregation at King’s Cross Station in London this year. But we did find a magical way to bring you all together... across many different countries and continents.


A mosaic of all your happy faces!


Last week, we asked you to submit your favourite photo of yourself celebrating the Wizarding World, and you did not disappoint. You can now view the mosaic in all its glory, where all your contributions coalesce to create a giant image of Hogwarts. Contributions also featured at King’s Cross Station – so even though you couldn’t be there in person, you were, in your own magical way. Again, take a look at the livestream to see if you can spot yourself.


Also - be on the lookout for our newsletter, if you’re signed up for the Harry Potter Fan Club, where certain territories can learn how to download their image from the mosaic as a keepsake. And, there’s still an opportunity to be involved! Our submission deadline for photos ends this Friday. Details here.


A weekend of magical activities.


Before the 1st September even happened, we couldn’t help but get the Hogwarts party started early. Across social media and our website, we brought the magic of Hogwarts to you this year - and challenged you to take part in a series of activities with our Wizarding World friends and family. If you're old enough, you can take a look at our Facebook page to see absolutely everything.


And here's just a few highlights...


Some very talented Wizarding World fans inspired us with their crafts, bakes and photography.


Join illustrator Emily Gravett as she dives into the process of bringing Quidditch Through the Ages to life.


Watch Cineconcerts and orchestra partners bring us the epic global performance of ‘Harry Potter Film Concert Series Around the World at Home’!


Watch John Skelley from Harry Potter and the Cursed Child get sorted into his house.


MinaLima talk to us about their beautiful 2020 Back to Hogwarts artwork.


And get the tissues ready for this rousing light show, courtesy of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood.








New products revealed for your Hogwarts trunks


Build a Bear released new Harry Potter bears (warning: these are extremely adorable), LEGO released a new Diagon Alley set (complete with an immersive AR experience on their website) and the general release of our new pin seeking collections went live today, including Hogwarts house themed pins to get us started.


A huge bravo to everyone who participated in Back to Hogwarts 2020, wherever you are in the world. Although we celebrated things a little differently this year, thank you for helping us make the day still special with this huge, global party. And remember, you can still keep the fun and games going by browsing our Back to Hogwarts hub whenever you like. That giant Hogwarts won't build itself!


Same time next year?


