10 Ways Harry Potter Changed The World 哈利·波特改变世界的10种方式

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曾昱辉 From sports to language to Game of Thrones, Harry Potter has had a lasting impact on the world. 从体育到语言再到权力的游戏,哈利波特对世界产生了持久的影响。 When it comes to fantasy literature, no figure looms larger in the 21st Century than the bespectacled wizard named Harry Potter. The creation of the English author J.K,Rowling, Harry Potter and the world of which he is a part have become an indelible part of popular culture. 说到奇幻文学,在21世纪,没有人能比戴眼镜的巫师哈利·波特更引人注目了。英国作家J.K.罗琳,哈利波特的创作以及他所生活的世界已经成为流行文化中不可磨灭的一部分。 10 The YA Boom Though of course, young adult fiction has always been around, there’s no question that the release of Harry Potter proved that it wasn’t just a niche but a rich and deep market that could be fully exploited. In the years since the release of the novels, we’ve seen a veritable explosion of both similarly-themed books (young people discovering magical worlds or their own magical talents) as well as general young adult fiction. Though few have managed to attain quite the phenomenal success of Harry Potter, some of them have definitely come close. 10 掀起YA市场 当然,青少年小说一直存在,但毫无疑问,《哈利·波特》的发行证明了它不只是一个小众市场,而是一个可以充分开发的丰富而深入的市场。在这些小说发行后的几年里,我们看到类似主题的书(年轻人发现魔法世界或他们自己的魔法天赋)和一般的青少年小说都出现了爆炸式增长。虽然很少有人能像《哈利·波特》那样获得非凡的成功,但他们中的一些人绝对能与之媲美。 9 It Proved Kids Would Read Longer Books There is sometimes an assumption that children will only read short books. According to some people, it’s better to talk down to children rather than to speak to them on their own terms. The Harry Potter books, by contrast, speak to both children and adults. As a result, they proved to be extraordinarily popular among all ages. For their part, children seemed to enjoy losing themselves in the magical world that Rowling created. Despite the fact that the books got longer, both young and old alike continued to buy the books in record numbers. 9 事实证明,孩子们会读更长的书 有时会有一种假设,认为孩子们只会读短篇小说。根据一些人的说法,用高人一等的态度对孩子们说话比按他们自己的方式说话要好。相比之下,《哈利·波特》系列丛书对儿童和成人都有吸引力。结果,它们在各个年龄段都非常受欢迎。对于孩子们来说,他们似乎很喜欢迷失在罗琳创造的魔法世界里。尽管书变长了,但年轻人和老年人都继续以创纪录的数量购买书。 8 Made Reading Cool Again We’re all familiar with the stereotypes associated with someone who likes to read. Such a person is almost automatically regarded as not cool, as being something of a social outcast. One of the unexpected benefits of the success of Harry Potter has been the way that it has shifted how people think about reading and the ways that it is perceived. Now, to be seen reading a book like Harry Potter is a marker of coolness for a wide variety of people, rather than just an insular and “nerdy” activity. 8 让阅读变得更酷 我们都很熟悉人们对喜欢阅读的人的刻板印象。这样的人几乎自然而然地被认为不酷,被社会抛弃。《哈利·波特》的成功带来了一个意想不到的好处,那就是它改变了人们对阅读的看法和认知方式。现在,对很多人来说,阅读像哈利波特这样的书是一种酷的标志,而不仅仅是一种孤僻和“书呆子”的行为。 7 Mainstreamed Nerd Culture Relatedly, geeks have always had a hard time of it. They are far too frequently dismissed as being out of touch with the real world, with having too much time on their hands and being too obsessive about their chosen fan object. Harry Potter changed all of that. Now, it was not only acceptable to show that you’d immersed yourself in a fantasy world; it was cool. This would go on to make other types of geek fandom mainstream, and we’re all thankful for that. 7 主流化讷客文化 与此相关的是,极客们在这方面的日子总是不好过。他们经常被认为脱离了现实世界,有太多的时间在他们的手中,对他们选择的粉丝对象太过着迷。《哈利波特》改变了这一切。现在,人们不仅可以接受让自己沉浸在一个幻想的世界里;这是很酷。这将使其他类型的极客粉丝成为主流,我们都对此表示感谢。 6 Influenced Real World Language One of the brilliant things about the Harry Potter universe is how fully developed it is, with its own internal consistency, including its own vocabulary. For example, the word “muggle” is used to refer to those who don’t have magical abilities. 6 受影响的现实世界语言 《哈利·波特》世界的辉煌之处在于,它发展得非常完善,有自己的内在一致性,包括自己的词汇。例如,“麻瓜”这个词用来指那些没有魔法能力的人。 5 Quidditch Became A Real Sport In addition to influencing the real world through the use of vocabulary, the wizarding sport of Quidditch has also made the leap from page to the real world. For those who don’t know, Quidditch is a game played on brooms and involves two teams with various roles to play, several balls that try to take out individual players, and the all-important Golden Snitch. Quidditch games play a very substantial part in most of the books (particularly the early ones) and they provide some truly splendid visual sequences in the films. 5 魁地奇变成了一项真正的运动 除了通过词汇的使用影响现实世界之外,魁地奇魔法运动也实现了从书本到现实世界的飞跃。对那些不知道的人来说,魁地奇是一种骑在扫帚上玩的游戏,有两支队伍,他们扮演不同的角色,还有几只球,试图把每个队员都干掉,还有最重要的金色飞贼。魁地奇游戏在大多数书中(尤其是早期的书)扮演了非常重要的角色,它们在电影中提供了一些真正精彩的视觉序列。 4 Helped Lord Of The Rings Kick Off The Fantasy Boom The early 2000s were something of a golden age for fantasy films. After all, the year 2001 saw the release of not just Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone but also The Fellowship of the Ring, the first installment of Peter Jackson’s hugely successful trilogy based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. These two enormous financial successes led to a spate of other fantasy films that, to some extent, continues to this day. After all, it’s unlikely that we would have the success of Game of Thrones were it not for Harry Potter. 4 帮助《指环王》开启了奇幻电影的热潮 21世纪初是魔幻电影的黄金时代。毕竟,2001年上映的不只是《哈利·波特与魔法石》,还有《护戒使者》,这是彼得·杰克逊根据J.R.R.托尔金的作品改编的大获成功的三部曲中的第一部。这两次巨大的经济成功催生了一系列奇幻电影,从某种程度上说,这些电影一直延续到今天。毕竟,如果没有《哈利·波特》,我们不可能取得《权力的游戏》那样的成功。 3 For Better Or Worse, Kickstarted A Fan Fiction Boom A sure sign of a particular literary work’s success is how much fan fiction it inspires. For the uninitiated, fan fiction is fiction that is set in a fictional world that is not written by the creator of that world. It is often used by first-time authors who want to practice their craft without creating their own world, and some use it to fill in gaps that they observe in the original texts. Harry Potter has been responsible for its own cottage industry of fan fiction, a trend that continues to this day. 3. 无论好坏,它掀起了一股同人小说的热潮 一部文学作品成功的一个明显标志就是它能激发多少同人小说。对于外行来说,同人小说是以虚构的世界为背景的,而这个世界并不是作者自己写的。它通常被那些想要实践自己的技艺而不创造自己世界的新手使用,有些人用它来填补他们在原始文本中观察到的空白。《哈利·波特》开创了自己的同人小说产业,这一趋势一直延续到今天。 2 Helped Make Authors Themselves Celebrities Though there are of course many writers who labor in relative obscurity, JK Rowling is one of those who has truly ascended into the ranks of a celebrity. Her tweets are looked over and scoured, and her input is sought out by those who want to know her viewpoints on a wide variety of subjects. This is a rather extraordinary thing for an author to achieve, and a measure of her success is that she has become a celebrity in her own right, perhaps even more famous than the actors who portrayed her characters on-screen. 2 帮助作家们成为名人 当然,也有很多作家默默无闻地工作,但J.K.罗琳是真正跻身名人行列的人之一。她的推文会被浏览和筛选,而那些想知道她对各种各样话题的观点的人也会询问她的意见。这对于一个作家来说是一件相当不寻常的事情,而衡量她成功的一个标准就是她已经凭借自己的能力成为了名人,也许甚至比在银幕上扮演她的角色的演员更出名。 1 It Helped Teach A Generation Tolerance Though it is easy to forget, Harry Potter is not just an exciting tale of a young wizard growing up and confronting evil, it is also a warning about the dangers of the rise of a dictatorial wizard who emphasizes the importance of blood purity above all else. Voldemort and his Death Eaters repeatedly attempt to purge the wizarding world of all of those who they see as not pure enough, and so their eventual defeat at the hands of Harry and his allies is a reminder of how important it is to fight against evil no matter the difficulty. 1 它帮助教会了一代人宽容 虽然很容易被遗忘,但《哈利·波特》不仅讲述了一个年轻巫师成长并直面邪恶的激动人心的故事,它也警告了一个强调血统纯度高于一切的独裁巫师崛起所带来的危险。伏地魔和他的食死徒反复尝试清洗所有的魔法世界的人他们认为不够纯正,所以他们最终失败以及哈利和他的盟友提醒我们对抗邪恶不管困难是多么重要了。
