Ranked: Harry’s Christmases from the Harry Potter books 排名:哈利波特系列中的关于哈利的圣诞节

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How did we rank all seven of Harry’s Christmases from the Harry Potter books?

Last place: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 哈利波特系列中哈利的七个圣诞节是如何排序的?


If camping out in the freezing cold is not your idea of a relaxing Christmas break, you’ll probably understand Harry’s final Christmas in the series being bottom of our ranking. Alone with Hermione after Ron had left the trio after a huge row, the pair ended up spending Christmas Eve being attacked by Nagini disguised as Bathilda Bagshot at Godric’s Hollow. 如果在寒冷的冬天露营不是你想要的放松的圣诞假期,你可能会理解哈利的最后一个圣诞节在我们的排名中垫底。罗恩大吵了一架后离开了三人组,两人单独在一起,最后花了在戈德里克山谷被伪装成巴希达·巴沙特的纳吉尼袭击。 Seeing the graves of his parents for the first time earlier in the evening was literally cold comfort. In fact, they didn’t even notice it was Christmas time until Hermione noticed the lights of the neighbouring village. Things improved a bit when Ron returned and saved Harry’s life by destroying the locket Horcrux after Harry ventured into a freezing pool to attempt to retrieve the sword of Gryffindor. 在晚上早些时候第一次看到他父母的坟墓简直是一种冰冷的安慰。事实上,他们甚至没有注意到已经是圣诞节了,直到赫敏注意到邻村的灯光。当哈利冒险进入冰冷的水池试图取回格兰芬多的剑时,罗恩回来了,摧毁了魂器,救了哈利的命。

Sixth place: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 第六名:《哈利·波特与凤凰社》

In Order of the Phoenix, Harry finds himself in the strange situation of visiting Arthur Weasley at St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies during the Christmas period. After seeing Arthur attacked by Nagini at the Department of Mysteries in a ‘dream’, it is Harry that sounds the alarm to Dumbledore, leading to Arthur’s rescue before it is too late. While Arthur recovered, Harry spent a lot of time back at Grimmauld Place hiding away because he was worried he was possessed by Voldemort. Hermione eventually coaxed him out and Ginny was able to convince him he wasn’t, despite his vision of Nagini coming to him from the snake’s point of view. Worries about possession don’t make for a happy Christmas. 在《凤凰社》中,哈利发现自己身处一个奇怪的境地:圣诞节期间去圣芒戈魔法医院探望亚瑟·韦斯莱。在一个“梦”里,哈利看到亚瑟在神秘事务司被纳吉尼攻击,于是他向邓布利多发出了警报,在为时已晚,但之前救出了亚瑟。当亚瑟康复后,哈利在格里莫广场躲了很久,因为他担心自己被伏地魔附身了。赫敏终于把他哄出来了,金妮说服了他,尽管他从蛇的角度看到了纳吉尼。担心财产问题并不能使圣诞节快乐。

Fifth place: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 第五名:《哈利·波特与密室》

On the plus side, Harry’s second year saw him spend Christmas at Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione. But it was a little fraught. Hermione finished brewing up some Polyjuice Potion on Christmas Day itself. She might have preferred another tipple, because she accidentally added a cat hair to the mix, transforming herself partially into a cat rather than Millicent Bulstrode. Harry and Ron did better, disguising themselves as Goyle and Crabbe in order to gain access to the Slytherin common room and quiz Malfoy about whether he was the Heir of Slytherin opening the Chamber of Secrets. It turned out he wasn’t. It was probably worth it – but Hermione had to spend the rest of the holidays in the hospital wing.




Fourth place: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 第四名:《哈利·波特与混血王子》

You’d think Christmas at the Burrow with Lupin and the Weasleys would be great. Well, it was, until Percy turned up with Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgour, on Christmas Day itself. Giving them short shrift, Harry was then able to focus on his present from Kreacher: a parcel full of maggots! Still, it wasn’t as bad as the ‘My Sweetheart’ necklace that Ron received from Lavender Brown. 你会觉得和卢平、韦斯莱一家在陋居过圣诞节会很棒。本来是的,直到珀西和魔法部长鲁弗斯·斯克林格尔在圣诞节那天出现。哈利对他们不理不睬,却把注意力集中在克利切送给他的礼物上:一个装满蛆的包裹!不过,这并不像罗恩从拉文德布朗那里收到的“我的甜心”项链那样糟糕。

Third place: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 第三名:《哈利·波特与火焰杯》

The most extraordinary Christmas at Hogwarts saw the holding of the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament. A lavish and loved-up affair where the students could bring dates to the dance, there was a lot of tension simmering under the surface. Harry attended with Parvati Patil, but would have preferred to go with Cho Chang, who instead went with Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory. Hermione linked arms with Durmstrung Champion and Quidditch superstar Victor Krum, filling Ron with jealousy (there with Padma Patil – the ball was hard on the Patils) which culminated in a row between the friends. Worst of all, Harry overheard a conversation between Snape and headmaster of Durmstrang Igor Karkaroff, where the latter said that his Dark Mark was burning – a sign of Voldemort’s growing power. This Christmas event presaged the tragedy to come at the Tournament’s conclusion…霍格沃茨最特别的圣诞节是在三强争霸赛期间举行的圣诞舞会。学生们可以带着舞伴参加舞会的一场奢华的恋爱活动,表面下有许多紧张的气氛。哈里参加了帕瓦蒂帕蒂尔,但更愿意去与张秋,谁去了赫奇帕奇冠军塞德里克迪戈里。赫敏与德姆斯特朗·钱普和魁地奇超级明星维克多·克鲁姆手挽手,罗恩心中充满了嫉妒(帕德玛·帕蒂尔也在场——帕蒂尔斯的球打得很重),这在朋友们之间的争吵中达到了顶点。最糟糕的是,哈利偷听到了斯内普和德姆斯特朗·伊戈尔·卡卡洛夫校长的对话,后者说他的黑魔标记在燃烧——这是伏地魔力量增长的标志。这个圣诞节事件预示着比赛结束后的悲剧。

Second place: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 第二名:《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》

Once again joined by Ron and Hermione, on Harry’s third Christmas at Hogwarts he received an excellent gift: the Firebolt. Hermione suspected it was from Sirius Black, at that point the notorious escapee of Azkaban, and she notified Professor McGonagall. Nothing like receiving a pressie and not being able to play with it! 哈利在霍格沃茨的第三个圣诞节收到了一份极好的礼物:火弩箭。赫敏怀疑这是小天狼星布莱克发来的,当时他是阿兹卡班臭名昭著的逃犯,于是她通知了麦格教授。收到礼品,不能玩!

First place: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 第一:哈利波特与魔法石

After a lifetime of Christmases at the Dursleys, it’s not surprising that Harry chose to spend Christmas at Hogwarts during his first year. It was a lot of fun, mainly because all the Weasley boys also stayed. The snowbound japes included Fred and George pelting Professor Quirrell with snow balls. But this Christmas was also tainted with personal pain. After he received the Cloak of Invisibility from Dumbledore, Harry whiled away this sleepiest part of the year exploring the nooks and crannies of Hogwarts. It was then he came upon the Mirror of Erised and a glimpse of his deceased parents: a bittersweet tang of long-lost affection in an otherwise cosy festive sea


