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作为像云一样孤高,像风一样无拘无束的学院,似乎是最遥远的神秘的象征。 对于英国人来说,东方,遥远的东方,神秘的拉文克劳,结合在一起,就是一种不可解的神秘魔力。 凌乱的黑发男孩,遇上有着流动星辰瀑布一样的黑长直发的女神,那个温柔优雅,灵敏活力,神秘美丽,聪慧友善的女孩子,是注定的初恋。



她对哈利说她需要谈塞德里克的死。 和哈利,更多的不是爱情,而是想要从他身上找到那个人存在过的影子,不由自主接近他,是为了寻找塞德里克留下的最后的痕迹。





从这个角度来说,只能说她和他并不合适,处理的方式也许可以更好。但是,从情理来说,无可指摘。 她才是个少女啊。那个时候我们还在中学吧?她到了学业最繁重的时候,她最爱的美好的男孩子死了,她知道他是英雄,可是世界还没意识到那样优秀的一个男孩子的死亡意味着什么,仿佛他的死,就是自作自受。可是,那一刻,他是那么有风度,是公平友善地和哈利一起迎接胜利,然后猝不及防面临死亡。闪回咒的时候,他也没有责怪哈利,如果是你,是我,拥有着美好的未来,突然被连累死亡,你能没有怨言?至少我做不到毫无怨言。 这样的男孩子和秋是互相衬托的。他们真的契合。



她的新男友不解风情,和他在一起承受很大舆论压力,他却一无所知,在情人节第一次约会还心心念念着平日里形影不离的赫敏。 我们知道真相,她不知道啊。就像小天狼星永远不知道雷古勒斯是英雄。 Foreigners look at Asians in the world from different perspectives.

Ravenclaw symbolizes wisdom, elegance, mystery and unsolvability.

As a college as lofty as a cloud and as unfettered as the wind, it seems to be the farthest symbol of mystery. For the British, the combination of the East, the far East and the mysterious Ravenclaw is an unsolvable mysterious magic. The messy black-haired boy met the goddess with long black hair like a waterfall of flowing stars, the gentle, elegant, sensitive, energetic, mysterious, beautiful, intelligent and friendly girl, which was the destined first love.

However, they are not suitable. They lack understanding, communication and communication opportunities.

With Harry, the more important reason is that Harry is the last person to contact Cedric. When everyone didn't believe that Fudiguang was back, Cedric's death seemed to be caused by his own stupidity. They only understand the meaning of Cedric's death when the whole world doesn't.

She told Harry that she needed to talk about Cedric's death. And Harry, more than love, wanted to find the shadow of that person's existence from him, and approached him involuntarily in order to find the last trace left by Cedric.

I think, if you don't open God's perspective, and don't be biased because you don't agree with movies, then such a girl, to be fair, is really beautiful.

She is as gentle as the wind, and she is more agile than the wind in Quidditch. She is mysterious. When her classmates rejected Harry, she naturally showed friendliness.

As a Ravenclaw who always stays out of the way, she can choose to protect herself. But, she didn't. She took part in DA. Loyalty, justice and friendliness.

From the protagonist's standpoint, it is the fundamental difference that she defends her friends. But, don't forget, that's a friend who didn't want to attend, but risked his life for friendship. She got into this. Ravenclaw is not a college that is keen on adventure and has a strong sense of justice and responsibility. Of course, this does not mean that there is no sense of justice and responsibility. So, perhaps, their friendship will also be affected.

From this perspective, it can only be said that she and he are not suitable, and the way of handling them may be better. However, from a reasonable point of view, it is beyond reproach. She is a young girl. Were we still in middle school at that time? When she reached the peak of her studies, her favorite beautiful boy died. She knew that he was a hero, but the world had not yet realized what the death of such an excellent boy meant, as if his death was self-inflicted. However, at that moment, he was so graceful, fair and friendly to greet the victory with Harry, and then caught off guard and faced death. When he flashed the spell, he didn't blame Harry, either. If it was you, me, who had a bright future and suddenly died, would you have no complaints? At least I can't. No complaints. Such a boy and Cho set off each other. They really fit together.

Cho innocent girl is a girl, and she is very popular among girls. Many girls don't like Quidditch, but she is a seeker. She learned the patron saint mantra easily. She is friendly and generous, gentle and delicate, and intelligent.

Her crying is too normal. We all cry when we read novels. That's her love!

Her new boyfriend doesn't understand amorous feelings, and he is under a lot of pressure from public opinion, but he doesn't know anything about it. On the first date on Valentine's Day, he still misses Hermione, who is always inseparable. We know the truth, but she doesn't. Just like Sirius never knew that Ray Gullers was a hero.







不管你在道德上是否接受,这也许不是那么美好,但是也不是什么肮脏的有罪的事。 少年情怀总是诗,我想成为秋这样的女孩子,不是和她完全一样,我也和她不一样。许多看法不一样,无论对错。但,我也想遇见这样的女孩子。


我曾经不理解她,因为我沉浸在哈利的视角,但是,现在我觉得,她是个好女孩。 To tell the truth, she's just a little girl's temper. She's really well-cultivated. Unbeknownst, my boyfriend is young, from different colleges, unable to communicate, accusing her, and sharing all important things with another girl.

Harry was smug about catching up with the goddess, but he didn't really understand it and really made efforts. He longed for the love of women, so later Ginny became active after many times of love. It suits him. However, Ginny is really the one who suddenly becomes the mistress in my heart. A little caught off guard?

I found a new boyfriend in half a year, but I can't say that I really changed my mind. There are the reasons I mentioned above. It's very complicated. A innocent girl, a gentle and shy girl, suffered a heavy blow in her life and wanted to find a sustenance. Harry was the last person to have contact with Cedric.

Two people's love, it is not from the real attraction to each other, then it is normal. But for Harry, it was a beautiful first love.

I don't mean to whitewash this. You can blame it. Just like Hogwarts' gossip and advice about Cho and Harry's fall in love, everyone has their own cognitive opinions.

Usually, we may not do this. But she didn't really cheat, and no one can imagine how she would react when she was hit hard. I just think that this is consistent with the character's own personality, logical and understandable.

Whether you accept it morally or not, it may not be so beautiful, but it is not a dirty and sinful thing. Feelings of teenagers are always poems. I want to be a girl like Cho not exactly the same as her, and I am different from her. Many opinions are different, right or wrong. However, I also want to meet such a girl.

Also, don't confuse the original work with the movie plot.

I didn't understand her once because I was immersed in Harry's perspective, but now I think she is a good girl.

可能不符合你身边的亚洲女性形象,可能你不喜欢,这都正常。但是,总有这样的女孩子。一个人有特点时候,就不可能再完全兼容所有的想象。 所以,这样的女孩起码是符合角色设定的,性格行为逻辑都是合情合理的。从角色塑造上,已经很好了,也没有什么太大bug。从人物本身来说,她的选择做法你可能不赞同,但是,她也没有真的做错什么,也没有什么罪过,都是人之常情。 讨厌她的一些特点,是人之常情。 她这么做,也是人之常情。你让她变成金妮那种直白主动的火焰女神,是不可能的。不然她就是格兰芬多了。

但是,在她的赛场上,爱情上,她含蓄的性格中,也不是没有主动尝试着迈出。奈何,最爱的人死去,身边的那个人不解风情,不合作,进行交流。 罗琳说,最后她嫁给了一个麻瓜。没什么不好,青春的风采不一样,道路不一样,这样平平淡淡很合适她。




(两人各有千秋。说真的,前期金妮真的是灰姑娘,丑小鸭,秋一直就是女神设定。后来金妮突然爆发,怒放美貌和生命的张力,秋一直就是清雅的那种,都很美。不过,原著来看,秋应该是女神地位更高一点。我本命卢娜,哪怕原著里卢娜没电影里演员的颜值。) 止 她们在赛场上飞行,在自己的爱情中都努力过。 It may not conform to the image of Asian women around you, or you may not like it. It's all normal. However, there are always such girls. When a person has characteristics, it is impossible to be completely compatible with all imaginations. Therefore, such a girl is at least in line with the role setting, and the logic of personality and behavior is reasonable. From the role-building, it's already very good, and there are no big bugs. From the character's point of view, you may not agree with her choice, but she didn't really do anything wrong, and she didn't have any sin. It's human nature Affection.

It is human nature to hate some of her characteristics. It is human nature for her to do so. It's impossible for you to turn her into Ginny's straightforward flame goddess. Or she'll be Gryffindor.

However, in her arena, in love, and in her implicit character, it's not that she didn't take the initiative to try. Helpless, the one you love the most dies, and the person around you doesn't understand amorous feelings, doesn't cooperate, and communicates. Rowling said that she finally married a Muggle. There's nothing wrong with it. The style of youth is different, and the road is different. It's so plain that it suits her.

Her bravery is different from that of Ginny and Hermione, but don't forget, she took the initiative to participate in DA, and the Battle of Hogwarts! This is something you and I may not be able to do. I think there is also hatred and rejection caused by Cedric. A wind as light as a song, willing to stay, ready to die.

She is not as bright as the flame, but she is who she is, the leaves of the east flying in autumn, the wings flying to the sky, and the blue wind symbiotic with the silver swan.

Ginny's passionate red rose. She is a white rose as gentle as water.

(Both of them have their own merits. Seriously, Ginny was really Cinderella, the ugly duckling in the early stage, and Cho was always set by the goddess. Later, Ginny suddenly broke out, showing her beauty and the tension of life in full bloom. Cho has always been the elegant kind, and it's all beautiful. However, in the original work, Cho should be a goddess with a higher status. I'm life's core monuments Luna, even though Luna in the original book doesn't look like an actor in the movie. ) They flew on the field and tried hard in their own love.

着墨不多,却光辉永存,就像永恒的冠冕。 最后和麻瓜在一起,麻瓜也可以是优秀的人啊。更多的可能是不想再有太多纷扰吧,也许她心里没有一个巫师比她的塞德里克优秀。他来过,不曾在她心里离开。


最后,风平浪静。那缥缈的风啊,你翻开书卷,阳光流淌在 心中的海面…… 罗伊娜的冠冕消失不见,智慧的荣光 却不会就此长眠。 无形的头脑,妮姬的羽翼,无声处已是千年。

There is not much ink, but it shines forever, like an eternal crown. Finally, with Muggles, Muggles can also be excellent people. It's more likely that she doesn't want to have too many distractions. Maybe there is no wizard in her heart who is better than her Cedric. He came, but never left in her heart.

Some people are magnificent, some people are gliding, and still water is deep.

Finally, it was calm.The ethereal wind, when you open the book, the sunshine flows in. The sea in my heart ... The crown of Rowena disappears, the glory of wisdom. But I won't sleep here forever. The invisible mind, Nikki's wings, have been silent for thousands of years. 有可能翻译不准确,还请读者见谅。
