双语 | 伏地魔与格林德沃道路之对比

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ComparingLord Voldemort and Grindelwald's paths



They cameto power at different times but from what we see of Lord Voldemort in the HarryPotter series and Gellert Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts films, their journeyshad many similarities.


Followersover friends


When teachingHarry about Horcruxes in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore sharedmemories he had collected about the childhood of Lord Voldemort – or Tom Riddle,as he was then known. During Riddle’s Hogwarts days, Dumbledore observed:


‘As he movedup the school, he gathered about him a group of dedicated friends; I call them that,for want of a better term, although as I have already indicated, Riddle undoubtedlyfelt no affection for any of them.’ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince



These earlyfollowers – for Riddle was their leader, even if he pretended to be their friend– were ‘forerunners of the Death Eaters, and indeed some of them became the firstDeath Eaters after leaving Hogwarts.’ From then on, the people who surrounded LordVoldemort were referred to as his followers, his Death Eaters, but very rarely wasthe word ‘friend’ used by either Voldemort or others. And the same can be said ofGellert Grindelwald. As the entire city of Paris was covered in his dark banners,Tina warned, ‘it’s Grindelwald. He’s calling his followers.’


Followers not friends.


The makingof impassioned speeches


On stage atthe underground amphitheatre in Crimes of Grindelwald, Grindelwald spoke, and peoplelistened. Grindelwald addressed those listening as ‘my brothers, my sisters, myfriends’. But we know many of those in the crowd were not ¬– and would never be– his friends; Tina was there, as were Newt and Leta. What he was doing was makinga speech, trying to persuade, trying to anger, trying to gain followers. And mostof all trying to justify his actions.


Interestingly,Lord Voldemort also made epic, justificatory and impassioned speeches. He made aspeech to the Death Eaters that gathered in the graveyard at Little Hangleton thenight he returned to his body:


‘But I wantthere to be no mistake in anybody’s mind. Harry Potter escaped me by a lucky chance.And I am now going to prove my power by killing him, here and now, in front of youall, when there is no Dumbledore to help him, and no mother to die for him.’ HarryPotter and the Goblet of Fire



And he couldn’thelp but make a speech to Harry at their very last encounter, even as they circledeach other to fight the duel that would end it all.


‘Is it loveagain? […] Dumbledore’s favourite solution, love, which he claimed conquered death,though love did not stop him falling from the Tower and breaking like an old waxwork?Love, which did not prevent me stamping out your Mudblood mother like a cockroach,Potter – and nobody seems to love you enough to run forwards this time, and takemy curse. So what will stop you dying now when I strike?’ Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows



Both Voldemortand Grindelwald knew the power of words; their ability to scare and to encourage,as well as their power to spread disharmony and fear. Both men also appeared tolike the sound of their own voices – their speeches were long, rhetorical and oftenfocussed on themselves, bringing others into their own mythologies rather than recognisingother people’s stories.


Spontaneousacts of violence


As well asthe power of words, both knew the power of violence – particularly spontaneous actsof violence – as a means of spreading fear and asserting their dominance.


‘Kill thespare’ Voldemort casually said as he ordered the murder of Cedric Diggory. Thiscoming moments before he used the Cruciatus curse on Avery ¬– one of his own DeathEaters – as Avery begged for his master’s forgiveness.


Grindelwaldcommitted these violent acts too, despite claiming otherwise in his speech in theunderground amphitheatre: ‘Go forth from this place and spread the word: It is notwe who are violent.’


Grindelwaldhid out in Parisian homes and his every move was tinged with the green light ofthe Killing Curse. While he waited on a street, his followers killed those insideto allow his entry. He didn’t cast the curse himself but we assume it was on hisorders, and he tapped his cane carelessly on the pavement whilst he waited.


Inside, ababy was left alive only to face the green light of Carrow’s Killing Curse a fewmoments later, again on Grindelwald’s nod. The baby’s crime? Being in the wrongplace at the wrong time. Years later, Lord Voldemort murdered Frank Bryce at thebeginning of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for eavesdropping.




Gellert Grindelwaldand Lord Voldemort both had obsessions, and they are oddly aligned. Voldemort wasobsessed with Harry Potter – the Boy Who Lived – to the extent that he did not allowhis Death Eaters to come to his aid in the graveyard at Little Hangleton, thoughhe had been reborn for mere minutes. As the cores of Voldemort’s and Harry’s wandsconnected, Voldemort shrieked: ‘Stand aside! I will kill him! He is mine!’ In Gobletof Fire, Wormtail suggested using another wizard’s blood for Voldemort’s rebirthbecause it would be easier, but his master replied: ‘I have my reasons for usingthe boy, as I have already explained to you, and I will use no other.’


Gellert Grindelwaldwas similarly focussed on another: Credence Barebone. In contrast to Voldemort’sobsession with killing Harry, though, Grindelwald wanted Credence on his side. Thoughwe still don’t know the full depths and reasons for this obsession, Grindelwaldgave us clues along the way.


‘So . . .Credence Barebone. Nearly destroyed by the woman who raised him. Yet now he seeksthe mother who bore him. He’s desperate for family. He’s desperate for love. He’sthe key to our victory.’

FantasticBeasts: The Crime of Grindelwald



Interestingly,at one time or another Grindelwald and Voldemort waited for Credence and Harry respectivelyto approach them of their own accord. In the Forbidden Forest during the Battleof Hogwarts, Voldemort said of Snape and Lucius: ‘Neither of you understands Potteras I do. He does not need finding. Potter will come to me.’ And when Grindelwald’sfollowers asked him why they couldn’t just grab Credence and leave, his answer wasvery similar, though for different ends: ‘He must come to me freely — and he will.’


Both alsoshared an obsession with the Deathly Hallows, though Lord Voldemort is only interestedin the Elder Wand rather than all three, like Grindelwald.


Of his andGrindelwald’s friendship, Dumbledore said:


‘And at theheart of our schemes, the Deathly Hallows! How they fascinated him, how they fascinatedboth of us!’

Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows



Lord Voldemortsought one of the Hallows by travelling across the wizarding world. And when hethought he had finally truly possessed it, he was jubilant. He thought himself unbeatable:


’[…] and theElder Wand, the Deathstick, the Wand of Destiny is truly mine! Dumbledore’s lastplan went wrong, Harry Potter!’

Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows



It is perhapsunsurprising that both these Dark wizards, who sought power at any cost, were stirredby the idea of the Deathly Hallows. Their shared obsession with the Elder Wand wasan insight into what lay behind their respective rises to power, and later, theirdownfalls.




原文:The Wizarding World Team









